Hello everyone, I was currently think about either minoring in electrical engineering or taking courses that relate to what I
want to do with my future degree in the electrical engineering department. In the future I would like to work on embedded
systems or robotics. For a minor in electrical engineering I only need two more classes. One class contained in that minor
that I feel wouldn’t benefit me is electromagnetics. The other I need for the minor is Continuous signals and systems, but I
feel that could be of some benefit. Other classes I was thinking about taking on the electrical engineering side include:
discrete signals and systems. Probability and random signals, control systems and microprocessors II. The reason I am
able to take some of these classes is that I was an EE major but decided to switch to computer engineering. Let me know
what you guys think, would a minor in electrical engineering really matter to employers? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank You.