Importance of AP.

<p>I've been hearing that AP tests are pretty pointless and colleges don't care.
Would you say that's true?
I've always heard that self-studies were good to put on your application.

<p>what? no. if you do well on AP tests, it shows colleges you’re prepared for a college-level courseload. they may not be as important as transcript or SAT scores, but they still make a difference.</p>

<p>The point is to NOT take classes in college, so your can either</p>

<p>1). Spend less money on college. </p>

<p>2). Spend more time taking higher courses or classes you truly love. </p>

<p>Who cares what colleges think when you are applying? The trick is to graduate after getting in…</p>

<p>There’s no proof that they care or don’t. Only speculation.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure they care about AP Tests, at least for all those competitive colleges like Berkeley, UCLA, Harvard, Stanford, you name them. They may play very big differences if you take a lot, especially if you self study. I’m planning on taking at least 20 in two year, I’m currently a Junior and going to take 11 this year, don’t know about next year yet, but I know I’m the only one doing that in my school, so I guess if you can set the record for your school, it looks really good. (Too bad the apps don’t have enough space for me to fit all of them in, oh well, I just have to add additional notes to them.)</p>