Importance of arts ec's

<p>In order to avoid turning this into another "chance me" thread (I wouldn't mind, but I'm sure the crowd is no longer interested) I'll pose this as a generic question. Can anyone give an estimation of the importance Harvard, or other Ivy Leagues for that matter, places on achievement in the arts when considering admission? My SAT scores and GPA are good, though not stellar, and I have done rather well at state level debate and writing competitions, but my main accomplishments are in music.
Without including all the gory details, they include, principal in All State Orchestra, winner of regional concerto competition, winner of national level music competition, regular substitute performances with local professional orchestras, participation in top level summer music camps, sought after private teacher, and other lesser awards. I am obviously not looking for a career as a professional musician, but nonetheless have a passion for performance. So, for my benefit, and for the benefit anyone who stumbles across this thread, is significant accomplishment in the arts valued greatly in the smoke filled rooms where Harvard admissions are decided?</p>

<p>You are basically identical to me. I just applied to Harvard about a week ago, with the same music passions as you, writing and music, although I also have dance. I’m sure that Harvard appreciates the arts just as they would anything else. I do hope that they value them greatly, but then again I guess it all comes down to how well we present them.</p>