<p>How important are sports to college decisions at Harvard? I know that they give you a rating (1-6) on that as one of their critera..but if you display evidence of other ECs, does it make up?</p>
<p>My case is that I just have never had enough time (between my other ECs) to committ three hours every day to a sport. If that is evident in the application and/or essay, will it be held against you?</p>
<p>It only matters if you are a possible recruit or if you have an intent to continue on in the sport in college. It really does not matter at all.</p>
<p>it helps if you've done it and you're good at it. it doesn't help if you do it when you could be doing something else more constructive for you. well-rounded is good, but if you have an interest outside of sports, pursue it. (i went to an arts high school w/ no sports at all)</p>