<p>How highly are undergrad GPAs weighted in b-school admissions?</p>
<p>Depends where you are applying and your other qualifications. Generally, GPA is weighted quite high (along with GMAT Scores, essays, letters of recommendation, etc) but work experience is the most important factor.</p>
<p>its importance also decreases the more removed you are from school, and thus the more your performance over your career counts.</p>
<p>It's not only about your GPA, the adcom also looks at what types of classes you took. They take into account more difficult majors like engineering, etc. too. So if you've took some hard classes and your GPA is lower than someone with an easier major, your overall academic record may be stronger. Of course, a low GPA can also be compensated with a high GMAT score or other classes you take post-undergrad. Good luck!</p>
<p>Is economics (with courses concentrated in econometrics) generally perceived as an easy or a hard major?</p>
<p>it's percieved as more of a hard major because of the math involved. anything engineering, science, economics is considered "more difficult" than english, art history, etc. especially if you have a concentration in econometrics, that's basically all calc based.</p>
<p>I've always perceived economics as an easy major... atleast for an undergraduate level... Or did economics exist ONLY for an undergraduate degree....</p>
<p>econ is definitely considered a difficult major. basically, what roto said.</p>
<p>"I've always perceived economics as an easy major... atleast for an undergraduate level... Or did economics exist ONLY for an undergraduate degree...."</p>
<p>Huh? How could one think economics was only an undergraduate degree? </p>
<p>As for difficulty of the major, I'd say economics is difficult if your school requires you to take courses in multivariate calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, parametric statistics, non-parametric statistics, theoretical econometrics, applied econometrics and monetary economics (Or, if the courses aren't required, you take all of them anyway). If your economics program lets you just take micro/macro/stats-lite and then a bunch of essay-based options, it's not hard.</p>
<p>Economics programs vary widely, with some being very tough while others are a joke.</p>
<p>Oh, yeah at michigan an econ major is very math based and it is definitely considered one of the most difficult majors at LSA, other than the sciences and math.</p>