<p>Is mere participation in the USAMO seen as a significant accomplishment by colleges (at least those with a science/math bent, say MIT)? Or would one need to be more of a MOP-level mathematician to be of any significance?</p>
<p>Participating in a USAMO gets quite a bit of merit, especially if you’ve ranked.
It’s a national honor after all.
Plus I believe MOP students are selected from the USAMO participants, so an MOP status will be a greater honor rewarded than USAMO, which is a great honor by itself.</p>
<p>yes…unless you screwed up everything else it’ll probably get you into most if not all colleges!! :D</p>
<p>usamo’s really good…100’s of thousands take the initial amc [10/12] test, and usamo is the top 500 of that group…so yeah, pretty darn good…</p>
<p>usamo’s a really great accomplishment, only 90-150 students from your class would have made it at least once (with even less with multiple qualifications) out of several hundred thousands who took the AMC… </p>
<p>usamo+good gpa+good sat=college admission at any college (not just MIT or caltech…)</p>
<p>databox, that is really skewed, and that isnt true</p>
<p>however, mop + grades (incl possibly some c’s) + good sat’s, etc. = college admission at any school</p>
<p>Not true at all… You have to have personality… who wants a boring academic person</p>
<p>dude, I could go to IMO, IPHO, ICHO, IBO, and still get rejected,
they know that you must have no life if you do that,</p>
<p>ok obviously with a few extra things…but if you made imo, and even mop, you really don’t need much on top of that…nothing’s auto…but this brings you right to their doorstep</p>
<p>though, we’re only talking about something that applies to 30 or so people in the whole us, many non-seniors, each year</p>
<p>Yeah, so there’s this one kid that goes to a nearby school. MOP in freshman, sophomore, and junior years, and I think he made USAMO in 8th grade. Probably going to be on the IMO team this year. I defy you to tell me that kid isn’t going to college anywhere he wants (at least any college of the techie sort).</p>
<p>EDIT: Oh, he also got a perfect AIME last year (his junior year). and missed one question on the AMC12. It’s maddening, I tell you.</p>
um…no…they don’t care that you have no life outside of school if you were that good</p>
<p>actually they don’t care if you have no life even if u weren’t that good as long as u did someting like ECs</p>
<p>ok here is what I am going to do, Anarch, tell this guy to post his stats on here and then let me look at it, and then I will predict whether he will make it or not.
If I am wrong on any accounts, I’ll pay you 50 bucks, through Paypal (i hope you have an account); If you are wrong, you pay me.
Sound good to you,? because honestly you all seem pretty confident, someone needs to take the fall
Ana, I’ll take you on too if you would like.</p>
<p>I know a kid who made usapho (not even the international one), got some c’s in school, didn’t have that great ec’s, etc., and is now at mit…and another one of the similar story at princeton</p>
holy cow ■■■■ that’s amazing. he’ll almost definitely get into every school he’s going to apply to…:O</p>
I’m no betting man. </p>
<p>I don’t know this fellow all that well, but his accomplishments also include a 2400 SAT, finalist or something in the Intel Science Fair, perfect GPA (I think salutatorian), mass community service, won every state math competition he’s been in save for one, near-perfect USAMTS scores all four years of high school, some other more minor accomplishments in science competitions and such. Obviously, recommendations and essays are no problem for him. That said, outside of these uber-strong academic talents, he’s neither an athlete, a dramatist, nor a musician. But honestly, with his sort of stats, does that really matter?</p>
<p>thats no bet at all >_______<</p>
<p>hmm point well taken</p>