Important Advice for International Students

<p>that’s great that you got FA. congrats invincible bunny
I think as internationals the problem is to know which college is generous enough and also could offer the major. I’m not familiar with thousands of colleges in US</p>

<p>@ invinciblebunny: I highly doubt your above statements. Here’s what I gather from different sources:</p>

Tuition and fees (2008-09) $29,620; room and board, $10,340 (on campus).
Financial Aid
Non-need financial aid available. 5 international students on campus received college administered financial aid ($11,584 average).</p>

<p>It’s obvious, then, that Colby-Sawyer is VERY mean toward international students, don’t you think?</p>

<p>@ nguyeminhhieuh: it’s not that stingy as I knew an international girl accepted to Colby-Sawyer with 10k contribution.</p>

<p>Hello, I’m from Turkey and I’m an 11th grader. I’m preparing for the SAT exam.I have some questions to ask.
First of all, do the colleges expect too much scores from the international students like me? (I’m not asking for any college, I refer to well known colleges.)
I’m not the only student getting ready for SAT we are a group of 8. Every week we have SAT exams of KAPLAN. My first score was 1440 second was 1720 3red was 1760 4th was 1830 . I thought that I would always be climbing up to the top but today we had an exam which I got 1710 total. I’m totally disappointed and I need advice on how to improve my score. I will be taking the exam both on may1st and the one in june. What should I do?
Another thing is about the social stuff. I’m not from a family which supports me for doing social stuff or being social. So I’m not into sports or any social activities unfortunately. My dad is very strict about my lessons and his rules for me to stay at home after school. Although, I had been in the MUN and some debate teams in my school untill my dad made me resign. Now I need all the social stuff to do. What can I do best to be appealing to the colleges ? Just tell me any advice indoors and outdoors because I’m gonna get my teachers to persuade my dad about this.
Lastly; my lowest score is always from the critical reading section. What can I do to make it better other than memorizing vocabulary?</p>

<p>Depends on which college you want to go, but as a rule they expect you to do as least as well as others on the Math section. If you want to distinguish yourself for admission at a top college, you should also try to have solid CR and W scores (though there are exceptions).
You should start working with these “2400” books, like “Barrons 2400”. You should also time yourself like crazy (ie 25 minutes section, try to do it in 20 minutes, and 15 minutes sections in 12 minutes and on).
Memorizing vocabulary is boring, and it’s very easy to forget or mix up words you learnt without context. Read stuffs like the Economist, Newsweek, bestsellers, prize-winning novels, English classics, ect… It’s interesting and, will help you when you’ll be writing essays and you’ll have stuff to put on your applications (or tell your interviewers) when you are asked what you read.
About ECs, do what you like. You don’t want to spend time on stuff you don’t enjoy just so that you could list them on your app. Many things do not require you to go out. Like learning an instrument and doing chamber music at home with your friends, taking part into essay, poetry contests, designing your own website, ect… and you also can do stuffs at school, like creating or being member of a club. This MUN thing is already good.</p>

<p>I am sure other people will come with better advices.</p>

Im from the Uk (England) and i want to study in the usa. Ive done quite alot of research but there is very conflicting views on where to go.
My questions are; which colleges give the most money to international students?
And do i have to do SATS? as im currently doing A-levels
I have already gathered that i dont need to do a toefl test because my first language/native tounge is english.

<p>You will need to do SATs. It’s always harder for internationals to get financial aid. If you are female, Mount Holyoke could be a good choice. If you are a very strong student and qualify for Ivy League admission ( very tough competition) those schools have more financial aid resources. Also try some midwestern schools: Earlham, Grinnell, Carelton --where European students might be more of a novelty than on the East coast.</p>

<p>I have a similar question asl2ocker- I am from Denmark and need som advice where to study computer science? I have already a bachelor in Comuputer scien from University of Copenhagen—I guess I need to ask the University I decide upon if I can get full Merit- any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>If I’ve studied 3 years in the US high school, and graduated from it. Is there any way to make the admission offices to let me pay out of state (or in state).
I mean, I have been paying taxes to this city, state. And I will graduate as #1 in class from the most prestigious school in the state (where my university is).
But to get full scholarships they require high SAT/ACT scores which I dont have. If it was in-state tuition, I don’t even need any scholarship.</p>



<p>I, once, talked to a person from admission office, and she simply said “Sorry”.</p>

<p>My name is Blanca Ruiz de Somocurcio, I’, from Peru and I am looking for schools’ partnership to stablish exchange programs.
My school is in Lima and is a Language school ( French, English and Chinese, besides Spanish) . My students are from 5th , to 10th grade.
Hope someone gets in contact with me.</p>

<p>The link doesn’t work anymore, here is the new one: </p>

<p>[EducationUSA</a> - For Students](<a href=“]EducationUSA”></p>

<p>and thanks a lot, i just called the people and scheduled a free one on one counseling!
Thanks so much!</p>


<p>Some universities for computer science are in this link:</p>

<p>[Rankings</a> - Project - Graduate Schools - Education - US News](<a href=“]Rankings”></p>

<p>I hope it was helpful</p>

<p>We’ve saved enough money for our daughter to attend college in the US in future. We live in Canada and hopefully her least credentials will be Masters in Nursing if not PHD. Apart from bed side nursing where else will a person with such credentials work for $100,000.00 or more per year.</p>

<p>I’ve recently heard a lot about having to have one particular spike that comes through your application in order to get into an Ivy League university. I am currently studying at a School in South Africa and am in grade 10. My average here is 90% (which on the American system converts to about 96.5%). I am in my schools orchestra, A choir, wind band, flute ensemble and a capella singing group (all of which have an application progress). By the time I leave school I will have a diploma on the piano, grade 8 on flute and grade 8 on organ. I recently attended the World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships in Brisbane, Australia - and placed 3rd overall for persuasive speaking, placing 28th for all events combined out of 108 participants. I am the president of my schools Public Speaking society, have nationals colors for Public Speaking and debating. I am the vice-president of an academic group called historical bench, the president of my schools Global Issues Network and on my schools debate team. I did IGCSE exams in secret, as I felt they were a better syllabus, when I was 15 years old. I got 100% for physics and 97% for english. All of my other results were A’s. I did this by waking up at 5AM for days a week to teach myself the work using textbooks I bought with my birthday money. I am the president of a charity organisation called M4K which partners with a disadvantaged-youth care home by donating money, clothing, textbooks, easter eggs, christmas presents, old toys… Anything that can be used to brighten the lives of the children within them. I am a member of Equal Education, which strives for the right to education in South Africa and for the next 3 years will be in charge of organizing live entertainment and sponsorship for a charity run that raises about R80 000 for various charities every year (about $16 000). I captained my sports team for 6 years, untill I had to swap to social squash and surfing due to weak knees. I participate in music and art eisteddfods on a regular basis. I have never got less than a diploma for a work I have submitted or performed. I take Maths, Science, Biology, History, Music, English, Afrikaans (2nd language), Life Orientation and AP Maths (my school only offers one advanced placement course and I am currently getting 97% for it - which would be a 5 on the American system) I am the major scholarship holder at my school. Top 5 national public speakers. I am currently co-authoring and creating an investigation into shack fires in Africa which includes distributing home-made fire extinguishers to people living in shacks and several other initiatives for keeping them safe. I will attend the World Individual and Debating Championships another 2 times, am hoping to tour Greece next year with my a Capella group and attend my country’s national science expo. I have received distinction honors from my school 3 times, and about 15 other honors awards such as ties, badges and colors. The way things are now, I should graduate (in terms of academics) in the top 0.00005% of all grade 12’s in South Africa. I am still too young to campaign for a leadership position in my school, though I am already the president of several societies and movements and play a big part in organizing events within my school house (like the houses in Harry Potter) I am also in the process of creating an organization which raises fund for AIDS orphans. I write articles for a national magazine called Simply Green (which looks at how you can green your lifestyle) and have been featured in several local newspapers for achievements in music and speech. I am also in charge of my school’s environmental affairs portfolio. So there’s all this and a couple other small things, but as far as I can see, I don’t have one ‘spike’ or a really compelling story. I’m passionate about everything I do. There’s nothing in my day to day activities that I don’t enjoy. I come from a divorced background within which both of my parents have psychological disorders and had to fight to stay at the school I loved as my father refused to pay for it (so I got a scholarship) but still it seems that I don’t have that one big thing. And I’m an international student who would need to get a full financial aid package to one of the big universities. Plus I can’t exactly go for campus visits or have an interview. One thing is that I plan to write my SAT’s next year. I’ve bought the book and am reading through it in my free time. But other than that I don’t know what to do. Does anyone have any advice they could give me? And an opinion on what my chances are? Thanks so much, and sorry for the really long message!</p>

<p>You will get in at at least one Ivy if you don’t something is wrong with them…</p>

<p>If you write your eassay like u wrote that post you will most likely not get in :smiley:
Please use paragraphs in the future.</p>

<p>please paragraph if not even if you have a olympic medal</p>

<p>admission officer would be too fatigue to read untill that part where u mention it</p>

<p>this will be helpful for me next year.</p>

<p>Apply to Colby-Sawyer College, they give a heck of a lot of money to internationals (which can be $30k++ per year - depending on your state). </p>

<p>Its acceptance rate for international applicants was 53% last year.</p>

<p>Education USA helped many students at my university and has really be there to guide me along the process. Check out our orientation with photos here [Gallery</a> - Category: New Student Orientation - Fall 2011](<a href=“,com_joomgallery/Itemid,918/catid,53/func,viewcategory/]Gallery”>,com_joomgallery/Itemid,918/catid,53/func,viewcategory/) . I had so much fun and go to meet so many new people. The university was also featured on the Education USA website [EducationUSA</a> - Financial Aid Update](<a href=“Financial Aid | EducationUSA”></p>