important monologue question- feedback GREATLY appreciated.

<p>Dear wise CC people,</p>

<p>I have been struggling with this question, and I would love some feedback and advice. </p>

<p>Basically, I really love a monologue that is considerered "overdone". It is Nora's (I cant remember him much anymore...) monologue from Brighton Beach Memoirs. I have looked far and wide for other serious contemparary selections, and although I have found suitable ones, I keep on coming back to this because I love it so much and I really connect to it.</p>

<p>So my question is, do I stay with the Neil Simon monologue which I adore, or start working really hard at a lesser done one, and deal with it. (maybe grow to love it?) Do you guys think the auditioner will really hold it against you if you do an "overdone" monologue?</p>

<p>Also, my other comedic monologue, is from a much lesser known play, and is really obscure. I know that doesnt excuse the BBM one, but just for your info.</p>

<p>I know for schools like CCM, who specifically list dont use BBM, I wont. But for anyone whose had experience at schools like CMU, UMich, etc. What do you guys think about their feelings on overdone monologues? and basically any advice you can give me and what you think would be awesome. </p>

<p>Thank you SO so so so much.</p>

<p>Here is the question you should ask yourself: Do I really “own” this monologue" That is not the same thing as loving it and connecting to it. Do you feel you can perform this monologue BETTER than ANYONE else? The real issue is – if three other people perform the monologue at your audition, your performance must be the best. And you still run the risk of boring the auditioners. Yes, it’s a terrific monologue – but they will have heard it a LOT. That’s why CCM specifically asks you not to do it. Since you can’t perform this one there, you will have to learn another monologue anyway. Why not focus on that?</p>

<p>onstage’s point is a good one. My D had a Sondheim uptempo she loved. She felt comfortable using it at some auditions that she knew wouldn’t be a problem while others specifically asked to stay away from “difficult” music, (ie Sondheim…etc.) Knowing she had to replace it for some auditions anyway she searched high and low and found another piece she liked as much or more. With that said, there was no reason to do the Sondheim at all since it is “iffy” for any accompanist. Since you’ll need to replace the piece for one school you might find yourself finding something you like equally or more. You can always have the overdone piece as a backup.</p>

<p>Thank you both for your feedback!!!</p>