Impressions of Albion?

<p>Hey there...</p>

<p>Just wondering what your impressions are of Albion College (social/academic/political)?</p>

<p>TIA. :)</p>

<p>I thought Albion looked like a good school. They're pretty well known for pre-med, at least in Michigan, and just built a beautiful new science center. The campus was fairly pretty, though the town was small and depressing. They say they're Methodist, but they never said anything about it, so I don't know how much they make that part of their education. The professors seemed friendly and helpful, the dorms were pretty nice for dorms, and the food was actually pretty good.</p>

<p>Thank you Tolandowski....</p>

<p>My impressions were similar to yours. Seems like a good school. It's just that on CC...the focus is on the top tier one colleges.</p>