<p>what are ways to get a 550 in each section? i need help.</p>
<p>first, tell us your predicament with the SAT. not enough time? can't answer the questions right?</p>
<p>Concentrate on getting the easy/medium questions right rather than trying to finish the test and get a number of hard questions wrong. You definetly don't have to finish the entire test to get 550+ in each section.</p>
<p>i get extended time for the future test i will take becuase i am an IEP student i just have trouble with the math and i over think the reading questions
here are my scores
March Test Scores</p>
<p>Critical Reading - 380</p>
<p>Math - 380</p>
<p>Writing - 260</p>
<p>June Test Scores </p>
<p>Critical Reading - 360</p>
<p>Math- 410</p>
<p>Writing - 390</p>
<p>I mentioned this on your other thread, but you should really consider taking the ACT. I know I, for one, find it a lot easier than the SAT. But if you're having problems with time restrictions, the ACT may be harder. If it's the questions that are stumping you, definitely try the ACT.</p>
<p>Just do a lot of practice for the math and writing. For the CR sections, read a lot and read boring stuff too. Vocabulary is important.</p>
<p>You might want to get a test prep book or two. I think Barron's is good, and definitely get the Collegeboard Official Guide to the SAT.</p>
<p>What is IEP? It better be good or you are a troll...</p>
<p>In California, an "IEP" is an Individual Education Plan, usually reserved (as it can be costly) for kids who qualify based on criteria for things like learning disabilities.</p>
<p>what does that mean a troll?</p>
<p>try the questions of the day on the collegeboard website... i did them every day for a year, read the explanations for the answers... helped a bunch:)</p>