<p>So i've taken 3 years of middle school spanish (=1.5 years of HS spanish) and 1 year of HS spanish. I took the entrance test about two months ago for intermediate spanish summer courses at a nearby university. I passed, but got into the lower of two intermediate level courses.</p>
<p>I feel that i'll be able to pass the language proficiency test (prereq for 3000 courses, usually taken after the higher intermediate course) if i improve my writing skills during the summer. I'm pretty natural at listening/reading comprehension. How can i improve my writing?</p>
<p>join spanish-language facebook groups and contribute frequently/make friends with native-language speakers and write them letters/emails. it might be awkward for a lot of people, but tell them you'd appreciate it if they correct you when you make and awful mistakes in writing, or ask them if there'd be a better way of saying what you're trying to say.
i've done this and still do and it helps A LOT, and it's a really simple and enjoyable way to get creative (and thus fluent) with your use of spanish.</p>
<p>Read a Spanish newspaper, listen to Spanish radio (iTunes), watch some Spanish television (like news shows), get into Spanish music and make sure you look up the lyrics.</p>
<p>Specifically Decisiones. It's gotten the name Sexiciones for a reason :P</p>
<p>But yeah, telemundo telenovelas have the HOTTEST girls you will ever see. And they are captioned, so you can have an idea of what they're saying by reading along.</p>