In defense of "liberal arts"

<p>First of all, I agree entirely that Science Technology Engineer Mathematics are of immeasurable importance to our society and they are in higher demand than other majors, but some STEM majors haughtily look at "liberal arts" students with unwarranted disdain.</p>

<p>Putting excessive effort into ridiculing "liberal arts" students is unnecessary. An effective way to feel more highly about yourself is to put others down, right?</p>

<p>While there should be more encouragement for people to be STEM majors, not everyone is fit to be a scientist or engineer. Unfortunately, there are some people who go into STEM programs just to impress their friends or to prove to their family that they are not dumb, later to find that they entered the wrong field and they are miserable. </p>

<p>Liberal Arts are still needed for our society a little bit, even though they are not as important as engineering or medicine. The demand is less, so a high supply can result in a glut, but nevertheless there still is demand for the best few in the major. Perhaps the top 10% of people (with high GPA and work/internship experience) will find good work easily, while the bottom 30% will be serving tables for the next ten years. Some liberal arts majors enter the program because they want an easy major while they can party, but not all. There are students who take their studies very serious, are ambitious, work hard, and achieve great things in their field. That is why I dislike how STEM majors stereotype people based on their major. </p>

<p>My words to liberal arts students:
Do it if you love it. Do not major in something else that you will be unhappy in just to impress or prove a point to somebody. Be ambitious, bold, and hard-working. It will be competitive, but put your 100% effort into it and come on top.</p>