In kind of a rut, don't know where should I go to college?

<p>I don't know where to go. Everybody asks me all the time, and all my friends have their hearts set on certain schools but I just don't know. Neither of my parents went to a university, only to a community college, so they don't care where I go, as long as I go.
I've tried all the college matchmaker things, but there's not one that I could really see myself attending.
I know what I want to do. I want to major in Biology or Anatomy (something science related) then I want to go on to medical school. But I also want to be able to study abroad in France and Germany, each for a semester in the same year. This seems to be a big problem because I think a college looks good and then it either has really bad study abroad programs or the programs in Germany are for taking business classes. I just want to go for language study and preferably take some classes that relate to my major. I also don't want to go to a HUGE school like UCLA, I like the smaller schools but not community college type of small. I would prefer it to be somewhat selective, I don't mean selctive like Ivies, but a college that doesn't admitt the average Joe who's only going to college so he can party. I would prefer no religious affiliation as well. </p>

<p>I have a 29 on the ACT; it will probably go up a couple of points, but let's say it doesn't and use a 29 for now.
I have a 4.0 unweighted and about a 4.3-4.4 weighted (not sure), and I've taken all advanced classes.
I have lots of ECs and awards too.
When I graduate high school this coming year I will have about 27 credit hours so I would prefer somewhere that would accept them, but it's not absolutely imparative.</p>

<p>At this point I'm not worried about cost, I just want some ideas.
So basically what I have said it that I need options for schools with good science/premed programs and great study abroad oppertunities.</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone that can help.</p>

<p>If you are female (which your username suggests you might be) you might want to look at Smith.</p>

<p>They have both an amazing study abroad program and science program.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>A flyer about the study abroad program in Germany -</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And Paris -</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Danish Institute for Study Abroad in Copenhagen has wonderful programs of special interest to … pre-med students…</p>

<p><a href=“About - Mary Harrington”>About - Mary Harrington;

<p>I would also suggest looking at some liberal arts colleges. Grinnell, Macalester, Hamilton, and Haverford might appeal to you, as well as slightly larger universities like Wake Forest, Northwestern, or Wash U.</p>

<p>Check out Johns Hopkins University. Sounds perfect for you. First of all, it has an INCREDIBLE premed program, often considered the best in the nation. Secondly, it has a renowned international relations program. Now im not sure, but that may mean study abroad is a big deal? I havent looked into study abroad at JHU myself, but you definitely should.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, I will definitely look into each of the schools, but I’m pretty sure WashU and Northwestern are a no go. Thanks anyway.</p>

<p>I see from another thread you are in Kansas and are an AF brat. I have to assume cost is a factor (just as it was for us). You can get some discounts on OOS tuition through the midwest Education Compact: [MHEC</a> : MSEP Participating Institutions (52)](<a href=“]MHEC”></p>

<p>Alternatively, look at test optional schools: [Optional</a> List | FairTest](<a href=“]Optional”>ACT/SAT Optional List - Fairtest)</p>