<p>I don't know where to go. Everybody asks me all the time, and all my friends have their hearts set on certain schools but I just don't know. Neither of my parents went to a university, only to a community college, so they don't care where I go, as long as I go.
I've tried all the college matchmaker things, but there's not one that I could really see myself attending.
I know what I want to do. I want to major in Biology or Anatomy (something science related) then I want to go on to medical school. But I also want to be able to study abroad in France and Germany, each for a semester in the same year. This seems to be a big problem because I think a college looks good and then it either has really bad study abroad programs or the programs in Germany are for taking business classes. I just want to go for language study and preferably take some classes that relate to my major. I also don't want to go to a HUGE school like UCLA, I like the smaller schools but not community college type of small. I would prefer it to be somewhat selective, I don't mean selctive like Ivies, but a college that doesn't admitt the average Joe who's only going to college so he can party. I would prefer no religious affiliation as well. </p>
<p>I have a 29 on the ACT; it will probably go up a couple of points, but let's say it doesn't and use a 29 for now.
I have a 4.0 unweighted and about a 4.3-4.4 weighted (not sure), and I've taken all advanced classes.
I have lots of ECs and awards too.
When I graduate high school this coming year I will have about 27 credit hours so I would prefer somewhere that would accept them, but it's not absolutely imparative.</p>
<p>At this point I'm not worried about cost, I just want some ideas.
So basically what I have said it that I need options for schools with good science/premed programs and great study abroad oppertunities.</p>
<p>Thanks to anyone that can help.</p>