"In loco parentis"....Do you live near a college?

<p>I live a block from Stanford and work on campus. Happy to help…Don’t hesitate to PM.</p>

<p>Near SUNY-Albany and RPI and Siena college, St.Rose, Sage, and few other Lac… PM me.</p>

<p>I’m a mom in Columbus. 20 minutes from Ohio State, 30 from Denison if anyone needs anything!</p>

<p>I’m close to Univ of Miami (FL) and about 30 mins from Florida International university (FIU).</p>

<p>Too bad I didn’t see your post earlier. I’m about 15 mins from Univ of Miami. If your child comes back from another program, if be happy to help you. I used to work for UM and was a student for nearly 2 yrs before I left to the Army. </p>

<p>Take care!</p>

<p>I’m nearby. PM me if you want.</p>

<p>Hello all, I am brand new to this with a brand new college freshman. I am about 20 miles from Davidson College and a registered (albeit retired) nurse. Glad to help if needed, but not sure how this site lets folks get in touch with me–</p>

<p>I’m 20 - 25 minutes from William & Mary (or Marshall-Wythe School of Law) and 15 -20 minutes from Hampton University.</p>

<p>Close enough to commute to all of Montreal’s universities: Concordia, ETS, HEC, UQAM, McGill, University of Montreal, Polytechnique (actually HEC, Polytechnique and UofM are the furthest from home out of the schools I listed)…</p>

<p>Close to University of South Carolina</p>

<p>In Rochester NY (Brighton) so many surrounding and upstate NY schools. Happy to help if needed…</p>

<p>I am close to NC State, Peace, Meredith, Duke and UNC.</p>

<p>I live close to:</p>

<p>University of Iowa
Cornell College
Grinnell College
Coe College</p>

<p>A few others.</p>

<p>Is anyone able to offer any advice for a graduate student looking for social opportunities in the Kent State University area? Our daughter is an out-of-state graduate student very much on her own right now. She’s feeling pretty isolated being new to the area & most of her new friends are commuter students. Thank you!</p>

<p>5 minutes driving, 20 minutes walking from Princeton University</p>

<p>Within 1/2 hour of Providence College and sophomore son there. Can help if needed…</p>

<p>Less than 5 minutes drive from Rutgers New Brunswick/Piscataway.</p>

<p>I am about 40 minutes from UCONN, and my DD is a UCONN soph. , so am glad to help. Also about 30 minutes from Conn College and Mitchell College. Don’t hesitate.</p>

<p>I’m near Claremont Colleges, Cal Poly Pomona, CSU Fullerton and about half hr from UC riverside and Ontario Int’l Airport if you are in a pinch. Be happy to help a fellow CC’er with info or emergency assistance. Have a kid at Chico State (really rural) and can appreciate the frustration of lack of access or mobility when a kid is so far from home, especially without mass transit nearby. If anyone travels to Sacramento, or is just nearby Chico, I know I would be grateful to have a safety net too,</p>

<p>I live near all 3 colleges and work at one. I can provide info if needed.</p>