"In loco parentis"....Do you live near a college?

<p>I am near SCAD, Armstrong, Savannah State and an hour from Georgia Southern… I have a child who is in college 10 hours by car away, so I understand the frustration of not being able to get somewhere quick!!!</p>

<p>I am in Austin, 5 minutes from campus. 2 hours from Texas A&M and my daughter is a student there. Let me know by PM if you need any help!</p>

<p>I’m a teacher, former college instructor, and a college mom. PM me if you need help.</p>

<p>I’m 30 min from these schools, and within 60 min of Hope College, Calvin College and Grand Valley State. Happy to help if you need local info, resources, or help for a child. Please PM me for direct contact info.</p>

<p>Would be happy to help anyone in the area with information/whatever and live only 10 minutes from the SUNY Buffalo North campus and 15 mins from SUNY Buffalo South campus. Just give me a holler with a PM.</p>

<p>Within 10 minutes of Rowan University - and therefore within 45 minutes of several of the Philadelphia, Delaware and other South Jersey Schools. (Drexel, Penn, Temple, Villanova, Arcadia, St. Joe’s, UofD, Stockton,West Chester, etc) </p>

<p>I’m happy to help if anyone needs it.</p>

<p>Happy to help from Midtown Atlanta. Tech, State and SCAD are steps away, Emory is about 15 minutes across town.</p>

<p>10 minutes from York College of PA and Penn State York. 30-45 minutes from Millersville, Franklin & Marshall, Elizabethtown College, Penn State Harrisburg, Towson & 1 hour from University of Maryland.</p>

<p>We live in Ithaca and commute to Syracuse with houses in both cities. Just about everyone in the family went to Cornell, both my parents are retired Cornell profs, my mom read admissions for 35 years and we are still closely connected to the university with my sister teaching there now, and all of us having been in the area since 1975. Have many friends on IC faculty as well. Not connected to the SU community as much but very familiar with the city and happy to help out a student or family in need of resources, advice on anything local, or emergency help. I have two kids still at home, a rising junior and senior. Feel free to PM with Q’s about the area or the colleges, especially Cornell! Also about an hour from Binghamton in case of an emergency.</p>

<p>Just curious, has anyone ever used this thread to contact other parents?</p>

<p>15 minutes from Drew, Fairleigh Dickinson University, and St Elizabeth’s in NJ.</p>

<p>I live right next to SF State and close enough to the other Bay Area schools (my husband teaches at San Jose State). Happy to help out. PM me for info.</p>

<p>hmmm this is interesting. thanks</p>

<p>I am near North Central College (Naperville) and Benedictine University (Lisle).</p>

<p>Re Post #450: </p>

<p>collegiatedreams, Yes. I received a PM once from a woman whose daughter needed to see a certain kind of medical specialist quickly, and I was able to help.</p>

<p>I’m 5 minutes from American U and Georgetown U, 10 min from GWU and 20-30 min from Howard, Catholic, and UMD-CP depending on traffic.</p>

<p>Tempe Arizona near ASU.</p>

<p>I’m in cincinnati, so UC, XU, MSJ, and NKU. Happy to help if someone’s child needs something.</p>

<p>I am near Haverford College and Bryn Mawr College (5 minutes away from both) and very happy to be a surrogate mom for any child in need any time.</p>

<p>All the NY State campuses and private universities in Long Island, including Queens/Brooklynn</p>