In need of advice

<p>Hello everyone,</p>

<p>I am hoping someone would be able to answer this question- although it is not posted under "theatre" or an art major- but let's see...</p>

<p>I will be attending the University of Massachusetts-Amherst in the fall- and already I am in a desperate search to get out. I am from New York, and as any newyork-er would know, massachusetts is just not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong, it is a good school, but I feel I am just settling for mediacrocy. I am an extremely ambitious person and audtioned at numerous schools, got rejected from two, admitted to one, and waitlisted at another. When it came down to it, the school I was waitlisted at didn't end up using their waitlist- thus making me have to make a decision- and my best choice was UMASS. I was wondering if anyone knew the degree of difficulty it is to transfer, esp. into an acting program- and If UMASS-Amherst is viewed as a fairly good school.</p>

<p>Thank you so very much</p>

<p>I personally would not go to Umass then If I was you, if you know you can do better, then do it. Attend a cc then transfer. look at it this way. If you attend community college, you'll have a various amounts of options. I strongly recommend going to the Uniteds (which is an audition in front of a panel of schools, and will let you know if you are admitted asap, like in a day). Audition as many times as possible for the uniteds each year you're in a cc. Plus as a cc transfer, you can get into SUNY-Purchase...which is way *****ing better than Umass, great acting program, just at the level of NYU, Julliard. Out of NY, look at the classy program of Carnegie Melon University, notorious and tho lackluster in the past years, still keeps up a great reputation. All the schools on the panel for uniteds are excellent and would be a top notch above Umass. Though is there any other majors you wanted to do besides theatre oriented? ?? But look at it this way, if you're a GREAT!!!! performer (Cry on cue style, perfect gestures, multiple voices) then you shouldn't have no problem, because the majority of the decision is based on your audition.</p>

<p>UMASS is nice, but I know it is just not for me. I don't mind going there for a year (atleast I have this opportunity) and my parents are VERy college college college and feel that why go to cc when I am able to obtain UMASS (even though I am somewhat wasting their money going to a school I feel is not for me) I know theatre is difficult, but I am in it for the long run. You know, out of a carrer of theatre, getting into school for it is the easiest (even though it's hard as anything) and I wish it would just settle and happen the way I'd like it. Although, we both know this is life, and things don't go according to plan, so I plan on working my butt of acheiving as high as a gpa as I can get, getting involved, and getting noticed by my teachers. I don't know what else to do but work as hard as possible, learn brand new monolgues, and show these schools what I have. Everyone says it's easier to get into schools as a transfer (higher acceptance chances) but it's still a theatre program, so I tihnk it's just as difficult. Basically, I refuse to settle for a school with an average theatre program, and will do pretty much anything and everything to get O-U-T!</p>