In-State Berkeley vs Wharton Undergrad

100% and keep hiring more engineers

The 2018 report indicates about 45% of grads are going into Wall Street type jobs (IB, research, IM, S&T, PE, etc). A quarter are going into consulting. A majority of those are MBB and others are Big 4. I hardly see any accountants. The placement list is specific, exhaustive and incredibly impressive. What other BBA program shares stats to this degree?

Berkeley Haas is very very good. It has average starting pay of $84k. Does that include signing bonus and first year bonus? No specifics about employers.

That said, the current COA for a UCB commuter is only $18k vs your estimated $50 EFC at Wharton. Roughly $140k more over four years excluding car and food costs.

3 Likes is the UCB post-graduation survey. You can select Business Administration for major to see the survey results for that major, including employers and job titles.

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Excellent, my phone wasn’t expanding to see all the detail. Kudos to UCB for its detailed breakdown. Add another program with excellent detail. Carnegie Mellon and Emory BBA share good data as well but I don’t believe at this level.

Haas has a class of about 350 and Wharton has a class of ~550. MBB (McKinsey, BCG and Bain) employ 40 from Wharton and 5 from Haas. Goldman hires 20 and 2 respectively. California centric destinations (Google and Wells Fargo) hired 17 and 8 respectively.

Haas’s starting salary including bonus was $84K in 2018 and it was $93K at Wharton (+ projected $31K first year bonus). Again, Haas is outstanding and places students at a very high rate for a class of 350. I might suggest to someone in the OP’s shoes to apply to both and if you get in to both then weigh the options
cost difference, career plans, desire to live across the country, entrepreneurship offerings/plans, etc.

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