<p>ShanghaiMom, one of H’s colleagues’s student has the $9K award. The cost of going to IU Bloomington runs over $35K for OOS, I understand, so that $9k really helps.</p>
Yes, the $9000 is a nice bonus - that’s what was the deciding factor for my son! Of course it’s not quite the in-state rate which is closer to $17,000.</p>
<p><<i think=“” there=“” is=“” a=“” real=“” gap=“” between=“” the=“” top=“” state=“” flagships=“” (usuals=“” suspects)=“” and=“” schools=“” like=“” alabama.=“” it=“” absolute–or=“” course=“” not,=“” but=“” it’s=“” also=“” enough=“” to=“” consider.=“”>></i></p><i think=“” there=“” is=“” a=“” real=“” gap=“” between=“” the=“” top=“” state=“” flagships=“” (usuals=“” suspects)=“” and=“” schools=“” like=“” alabama.=“” it=“” absolute–or=“” course=“” not,=“” but=“” it’s=“” also=“” enough=“” to=“” consider.=“”>
<p>I think a lot of that depends on your major. I have a friend who’s son is a NMF. He had lots of opportunities, but chose Univ of Oklahoma because (in addition to the great financial deal) it has one of the top programs in his chosen field (sorry - can’t remember what it is). Similarly, DS#2 is considering Oklahoma (for a variety of reasons) - but mainly because the program he wants is top not there (geosciences).</p>
<p>Alabama or Auburn or Ole Miss or Oklahoma or LSU (etc) are great schools for a good students in the right programs. </p>
<p>For us, DS#1 chose Penn State over UT-Austin (actually - he didn’t even bother applying to UT). Okay, UT would have been in-state tuition, but the program he wants is not quite as good as Penn State’s (where it is tops), his chance of getting into UT were slim-to-none because he’s not top 10%, he wanted to go outside TX, and he hates the UT band uniforms. So - he’ll be at Penn State…where he’s been accepted to the honors college and (hopefully) make it in the Blue Band.</p>
<p>Aw… I think the UT band uniforms are kind of cute!
[Longhorn</a> band drummers, 100th Red River Rivalry game, 2005<a href=“photo%20found%20on%20line”>/url</a> Can’t imagine any young man who would not love to wear one. Are these the same uniforms? I like them all. [url=<a href=“http://www.life.com/image/92945304]Life:”>http://www.life.com/image/92945304]Life:</a> The Big Bertha drum with Longhorn band members, 2009](<a href=“http://pictopia.com/perl/get_image?provider_id=240&size=550x550_mb&ptp_photo_id=180816]Longhorn”>http://pictopia.com/perl/get_image?provider_id=240&size=550x550_mb&ptp_photo_id=180816)</p>
<p>What programs are Alabama, Auburn and Ole Miss known for? How do you find that out?</p>
<p>Since schools are changing all the time, you really have to visit each school to find out the latest. </p>
<p>Ole Miss is known for pre-health. Miss St is known for engineering. Auburn is known for engineering and is working on its B-school. Bama is known for pre-health, its B-school, liberal arts, its Honors College, and pre-law (Bama has a top tier law school). Also, its engineering program has been strongly improved by new buildings, new labs, new profs (lots of money spent). The 3rd phase of the Shelby Science and Engineering complex will be completed next year (thank you Sen. Shelby)</p>
<p>Ole Miss also has a very good honors college and (from what I have been told) has a very good international relations program and a good oriental languages program.</p>
<p>MIdwestMom - LOL! The “cowboy” look just isn’t his thing!!! And yes, I believe the uniforms are the same!</p>