<p>Hey, I'm thinking of moving next month to a different state to attend school there. I'd be starting in the fall, and I know I'll probably have to pay out-of-state tuition for the fall 2009 semester. But since I'll move to the state in December 2008 and I'll try to get myself established quickly (get a DL, get some bills paid), is there chance that I could start paying in-state tuition from January 2010 instead of having to wait til the 09-10 school year is over?</p>
<p>I hope that’s not confusing. And the state I’m talking about is Virginia.</p>
<p>Most schools have a date of when your residency will be reviewed and most states you need to have established your residency for a year or more.</p>
<p>I know that it’ll take a year to establish residency but the question is, if I move into the state 6 months before I start school, and then pay 6 months out-of-state, am I able to start paying in-state once the 12 months is up?</p>
<p>Yes, because it seems like you are there to stay for good, not just for school. As for when you start paying I cannot say, each school’s deadline/process is different. It should say somewhere on their web site about it.</p>
<p>[Virginia</a> Domicile, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.](<a href=“http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/status.html]Virginia”>http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/status.html)</p>
<p>States like Viriginia, with popular public colleges, have figured out these loopholes. Driver’s license and voting registration isn’t enough “clear and convincing evidence” that you are in-state.</p>