In-state tuition in the middle of a school year?

<p>Hey, I'm thinking of moving next month to a different state to attend school there. I'd be starting in the fall, and I know I'll probably have to pay out-of-state tuition for the fall 2009 semester. But since I'll move to the state in December 2008 and I'll try to get myself established quickly (get a DL, get some bills paid), is there chance that I could start paying in-state tuition from January 2010 instead of having to wait til the 09-10 school year is over?</p>

<p>I hope that's not confusing. And the state I'm talking about is Virginia.</p>

<p>Most schools have a date of when your residency will be reviewed and most states you need to have established your residency for a year or more.</p>

<p>I know that it'll take a year to establish residency but the question is, if I move into the state 6 months before I start school, and then pay 6 months out-of-state, am I able to start paying in-state once the 12 months is up?</p>

<p>Yes, because it seems like you are there to stay for good, not just for school. As for when you start paying I cannot say, each school's deadline/process is different. It should say somewhere on their web site about it.</p>


Q: Can I establish "in-state" status while I am a student?
A: If you are a dependent and your parent(s) or spouse moves to Virginia while you are in school and fulfills the requriements of domicile, you should petition for a change of status effective 12 months after the move. If you entered classified as an out-of-state student, you must present clear and convincing evidence to rebut the presumption that you are residing in the State primarily to attend school. Residence or physical presence in Virginia primarily to attend the University does not entitle you to in-state tuition rates.


<p>Virginia</a> Domicile, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.</p>

<p>States like Viriginia, with popular public colleges, have figured out these loopholes. Driver's license and voting registration isn't enough "clear and convincing evidence" that you are in-state.</p>