in-state tuition???

<p>It may sound unethical or wrong but has anyone ever got away with getting in-state tuition in a state you were not living in? could you use a friend's or family member's address?</p>

<p>No you can't use a friend or family member's address... because that would be a lie, and if they found out they would probably take back their acceptance offer (at the very least!). You can, however, have the out of state fee waived if you are from another state... This is usually based on merit and/or financial need. It's possible though.</p>

<p>think about this -- you graduated high school from state x, and then you claim residence in state z. This is one of the ways that schools validate the resident claims.</p>

<p>They know if you graduated from Pioneer High School in florida in May, that you are not a resident of Boulder, Colorado -- no matter whether you have a legitimate address or not.</p>

<p>Further, it is your parent's address which determines residence for dependent students.</p>

<p>what you could do- is for your friends in another state to be declared your guardian-once you move and graduate from a high school in that state & when your birth parents no longer use you as a dependent on their income tax forms- then it should be relatively easy to claim that you are a resident of the state of your new guardians
If you don't want to go through all that- you could look into the schools that have reciprocal agreements with neighborhing states to charge 150% of instate tuition.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Actually Emerald...wouldn't it be easier to marry someone from the new state? You would be an independent student, and could live there for a year and then would be eligible for instate tuition. </p>

<p>Bottom line to the is fraud to say you are a resident of a state in which you REALLY aren't a resident. Simply put, if it were as easy as just getting a cousin or friend to let you use their instate address, NO ONE would be paying OOS tuition.</p>