<p>i can't believe i am doing this. chance for a rising senior? (even though all ivies are reaches, etc. etc. i guess i'm looking for suggestions more than anything)
my resume is intensely boring (hopefully essay will make it not so much) an i have no hook. fun stuff.</p>
<p>asian female
SF bay area, CA
public high school, sends about 15+% to top schools (1-30 rank?)</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 4.0 (if i don't **** up my last semester), not sure which classes would be considered "weighted" :/
Rank - 1/500+ but that 1 actually means 1-20 due to the ridiculous ranking system at my school that doesn't take into account difficulty of course load</p>
<p>non-bs classes:
(i'm in honors for basic english/math/science but they're not really worth listing. oh and i also took Japanese my first three years but dropped it for senior year because i can't stand my teacher; it's a shame though. i'd continue it at my local community college but she teaches there too what the hell.)
AP Chem, AP Stats, APUSH
AP Physics B + AP Bio (WHY, WHY.)
AP English Lit, AP Calc BC, Discrete/Finite Math (college level class or something)</p>
<p>SAT I: 800 m, 760 cr, 730 w (essay 10)
SAT II: 770 bio (e), 800 chem, 800 iic, 800 ush
(PSAT, although no one cares: 234)</p>
<p>Significant Extracurriculars: art (3+ hours/week), piano ...i'm kind of lacking in this area (or, all areas other than gpa. awesome.) and i've had no real awards since 7th grade (FL piano & math comps haha) after which i moved to this intimidating, competitive, and overwhelmingly asian neighborhood ...
Leadership positions: president of school's japanese club, insignificant officer positions in others (book club, community service)
no sports ):
Volunteer/Service Work: some dabbling at a hospital (100+ hours), teaching english at a local church (weekly)</p>
-worked at a tutoring place my sophomore year, which wasn't that much of a job but at least it's work experience.
-took classes at local community college (chinese, psychology, flash animation, painting).
-attended a math/science summer school/camp/program at UCSC the previous summer; not sure how that'd help though.
-i'm doing an internship at uc berkeley this summer (affiliated w/ lbnl) in organometallic chemistry so i'll probably have a rec from my mentor.
-i enjoy, uh, travelling? i've lived in various states as well as china and singapore, an experience that could be used as an essay topic, but mostly to let you guys know that i'm going to want to study abroad.</p>
<p>-recs are iffy since i don't exactly make an effort to make an impression on my teachers, but i'm pretty sure they like me, even if i may not be that memorable.
-essays are up in the air as well; i still have no idea what i'm writing about. i'm a competent writer though i suppose, and i know the things to avoid.</p>
<p>prospective major: (well i'm TENTATIVELY pre-med, but...) (applied) math? chem? philosophy??? probably a math/science with a minor in some social science or language (chinese, japanese... spanish...)</p>
<p>i'm definitely applying to:
UC Berkeley, LA, SD
Washington U, St. Louis (not sure why actually, but i sent SAT scores there so i feel like i have an obligation)
Yale (see above)</p>
<p>looking at:
M.I.T. (almost my dream school, with the slight problem they'd never accept me)
Harvard (ha. haha.)
U Penn (not sure if i like the vibe it gives me, based on the people i know who go there)
U Chicago</p>
<p>rice, vanderbilt, northwestern (tell me more about these schools please? i know next to nothing about them besides the basic stats, and although the locations kind of make me skeptical i figure i should at least find out more)</p>
<p>i like urban places, and preferably far far away from home (i.e. not stanford). honestly am not particular about a lot of things, since i consider myself incredibly versatile and could hypothetically adapt to any school -- it's just a matter of jealousy when people i know are at better - or more fun - places (well among other things). small class sizes are always a plus, but since i learn equally well regardless of one-to-one attention it's not necessary. don't care much for the frat scene though new experiences could be interesting. i think i'm fairly liberal but since i come from a pretty liberal environment to begin with a more conservative or balanced place could do me some good.</p>
<p>so suggest schools, tell me if i'm shooting too high, or better yet, rate the schools i've mentioned according to how well you think they'd fit me! i have vague ideas but i always love outside input esp since you guys probably know more about colleges than i do. oh except uh, don't bother listing privates that are "below Berkeley" (in terms of prestige, mostly), because if i don't get into a REALLY GOOD private school my parents are going to make me go to a UC simply due to cost factors.</p>
<p>thanks for reading my rants (:</p>