Incoming freshman. Which class should i take over the summer?

Hello. Last summer I took a class at the community college. I enjoyed it and didn’t well and would like to take another one this summer before I move away to earn cheap credit and lighten the course load. However, I can’t decide which course to take. I am pre Med, so I am hesitant to take some pre read but both of the ones I am considering aren’t part of the big four that are required.
The three I am considering taking are Psychology, Calc 1, or an intro to art/drawing class.

Psychology: required for my major and would be a good head start in my class. Required for mcat and for suture classes in my major so not sure if I should wait to take it first semester at the university.

Calc 1: required for Med schools but I Believe it should be okay to take at community college. I am in honors Calc now so I will have some background. Calc 1 is very hard at the university I am going to so I think it would be a good idea to get it out of the way.

Art class: Not a great artist but it will get one gen ed out of the way.

Let me know your opinions. I am leaning towards Calc but it is a big commitment since it will meet over 8 (2 hr four days a week) hours a week. My class last year met sixhours (3 hr two times) and I enjoyed it but after the second hour I was tired.

Sorry that Is supposed to say I did well.

First be sure the 4 year college you choose will accept CC credit. Some do not.

Also if you will have to take Calc 2 at your 4 year college, I would not take Calc 1 at a CC.

@happy1 yes the credits will transfer and i do not plan on taking Calc 2.

Make sure you are allowed to take college classes after HS graduation if you have a merit scholarship. It might disqualify you from being considered a freshman.

@mommdc thank you. That is something I have not thought of. Either way I won’t have 12 credits before starting freshman year.

I would still check with the school you decide to attend, to make sure.

@mommdc thank you for pointing that out. Assuming all is good, which class would you recommend?

If the school will definitely accept CC credit and it won’t impact you being eligible for freshman scholarships, I think psychology is a good idea.

Or take the art class for fun
