Incoming Freshmen: What are YOU looking forward to most about UF?

<p>rp: too much we didnt need to know
no need to make a show
of your great voice skills around the hoe</p>

<p>red white and blue, oh how cool are you!</p>

<p>you have no need for teh weed.</p>

<p>I thank you for your advice, but it is already too late
For I have taken a hit, and it feels great!
Rainbows, flowers, and unicorns too
Who ever knew the sky could be so blue!</p>

<p>An hour has passed, I feel it wearing away
But wait Mr. Unicorn, it may be cliche, but I pray that you may stay, at least for today…
for if you leave, you will leave me in dismay, on this gay day that has taken me astray
****, I still have to do an essay!</p>

<p>RP: Sounds like you got Mr. Paul’s debating style down to a science!</p>

<p>Noooo!, you stole my spotlight :(</p>

<p>ron paul crazay.</p>

<p>who the hell sees unicorns when they are high
my oh my!</p>

<p>Dude, this thread is stalling…</p>

<p>RP: Just like Ron Paul’s primary campaign.</p>

<p>This thread is a fine wine worth savoring. Better than the national threads which are a cure for insomnia.</p>

<p>Sophia: How do we convince you to seek salvation in Gatorland?</p>

<p>But thurrrs gators in gatorland!</p>

<p>“So in an effort to raise the tone and dignity of this thread I pose this profound question: What is the meaning of life? All are welcome to join in. Any takers?”</p>

<p>Stop having a boring tuna, stop having a boring life!</p>

<p>Glad to see that you are reading the fine print.</p>

<p>Sorry about the shots at Ron except that even you gotta admit he is an easy target.</p>

<p>I am trying trying to drive this thread and create hits. Since you showed up we have over 300 views tonight. Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>that question is too hard. really, it is.</p>


<p>Hi Sophie!</p>

ron paul is not your real name, so i refuse to call you that.</p>

<p>What are you doing this late at night? I’m putting the finishing touches on my ponzi scheme. It’s really shapin’ up!</p>

<p>The Name’s Madolf, Matthew Madolf ;)</p>

<p>haha. real clever.
i’m on facebook, chillin. listening to sweet jams. ya know.</p>

<p>forreals, should i call the police? :open_mouth: cause i would.
sweet jams as in EVERYTHING. not tupac though, and no country. </p>

<p>sociology, for now. if they keep anthropology then i will go that route.
budget sucks.</p>

<p>how about you matt?</p>

<p>Name’s Matthew ;)</p>

<p>I’m 99.9924% sure I want to major in philosophy.</p>

<p>Go ahead, call the police… You have no idea what country I am in</p>

<p>Edit: “not tupac though” I did not see this. I will now stop talking to you…</p>

<p>are you a senior in HS, or a transfer student? didn’t quite catch that.</p>

<p>philosophy is a good major. i am praying that they keep anthro :{</p>