Incoming Freshmen: What are YOU looking forward to most about UF?

<p>All in good humor, now lets see some more limericks!</p>

<p>Kitty: Thanks for watching my back.</p>

<p>Heyitsyouagain: Nice job with the Slap Chop.</p>

<p>All I can say is: “Your gonna love my nuts” and “The skin comes right off”</p>

<p>Data: I believe the ball is in your court.</p>

<p>I’ve written 3 already! It’s time to see what other people can come up with</p>

<p>A young coed from Timbucktoo,
whose limerick stopped at line two.</p>

<p>OK Data your up.</p>

<p>Question of the day- Since when does a regular sheet not fit a bed?</p>

<p>I tried to post a limerick about
a sweet young thing from Nantucket
but the Mods decided to pluck it.</p>


<p>::yawn: sleep deprived
hello all. =]
34 more days till my hs graduation!
5 more days until I get my AA degree (dual enrollment)
119 days till I move to UF! (praying for beaty towers!)
i cannot wait! =]</p>

<p>34 days? I only have 17! You poor thing! And yeah I hear lots of people want Beaty, but I’m more of a social/traditional freshman dorm style person. GOOD LUCK! HOPE YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT!</p>

<p>Hurley, jw…did you seriously try to post something about a sweet young thing from Nantucket? And did the mods seriously pluck it? Knowing you I’m pretty sure you’re kidding, but want to check anyway.</p>

<p>My post about Nantucket
was simply an attempt
to keep our thread from kicking the bucket.</p>

<p>Just pure juvenile humor. </p>

<p>Anya: Thanks for joining the party. Don’t be shy. Tell us more.
Nothing better than a virgin poster on CC.</p>

<p>kitty- thanks! i know! its forever! uggh.
hurley-lol thanks for the greeting. </p>

<p>hopefully planning to move-in aug 16.
and attending preview june22-23</p>

<p>cant wait to meet new people and maybe see ya’ll as well!</p>

<p>Anya: You seem nice but don’t get caught up in an argument about short-sheeting on another thread. </p>

<p>Here we do not judge harshly your opinion of Bed Bath & Beyond.</p>

<p>Remember its not the size of the sheets that matter but its how you use them, i.e., hospital corners,etc…</p>

<p>hurley- you will soon find im debateable. its not an argument it is just logical. i have an opinion and so does she.</p>

<p>Anya: You need to read between the lines of my posts so they do not go right over your head. Also if we start writing about thread counts my image is ruined.</p>

<p>hurley: no im not an airhead =P even though i may seem like a hottempered one. lol your image ruined? nahhh it wouldnt be that bad jaja</p>

<p>U of Florida SuKzzzZzz</p>

<p>I love you I love you
I love you so well,
If I had a skunk
I would give you a smell. If I were a dog</p>

<p>I would give you a bite.
If I were a witch
I would give you a fright. If I were a bathtub
I’d give you a splash.
If I were a fungus
I’d give you a rash.</p>

<p>I love you so much
that I won’t tell a lie:
I promise we’ll marry
the day that I die.</p>

<p>^ lulwut?

<p>ron paul: er nice song? lol</p>

<p>that’s what I thought ;)</p>

<p>do you hate the football team or the school?</p>

<p>where are you going to school? FSU?</p>

<p>jeez- stop with this lame animosity.</p>