Indiana University - Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Thanks @jefrobertson
Then my daughter may be in luck… she applied for Finance.

Here are the latest stats from Kelley’s website on the composition of the fall 2023 Direct Admit class. Agree that there is still much work to be done.

Kelley’s batching last year was erratic. They did a batch in early December and then it was small trickles in late January. The large batch in December was a high percentage of girls.

I had 2 students apply to Kelley last year (within 1.5 wks of each other (Sept/October). Had the all the same classes, same AP’s and # of AP’s and DE, GPA was 1 grade different (4.0/4.6 and 3.95/4.5). Both TO and OOS. One was a girl and one was a boy. The girl got in December and the boy got waitlisted and eventually accepted in April. The girl was also admitted to Huttons Honor and Kelley School Honors (ACE). Both chose elsewhere. It was very obvious what was happening with the gender last year. It was also a discussion at direct admit day which we attended.

As far as some kids not taking the SAT and believing it can start with demographics. West coast kids are more likely not to take them at all anymore since CA UC’s and CSU’s (and CalTech)are test blind, and UDub who isn’t test blind but is does not look at them unless someone is going to be rejected and it may save them. A large percentage of CA high schools do not offer a sitting for the SAT/ACT anymore and getting a test date anywhere takes jumping through hoops and many times going out of state to do so. And if you are lucky enough to get an instate test date, chances are it will be cancelled.

Yay for women in finance!! DS24 is also finance. When he visited and liked Kelley, I told him that he had to be auto-admit on stats because he is way over-represented (white guy from Chicago burbs). It gave him a target to work towards for testing.
No matter where your daughter goes, if she sticks it out she will be successful! All the big name places are trying very hard to recruit women in finance. There is a lot of opportunity!

It’s not just IU. Everywhere we toured, we asked about the percentage of women in the finanace major. It was bad everywhere. Now we weren’t looking at the highly selectives … maybe they are doing a better job. What we saw was lots of women in marketing and accounting.

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@Midwestmom2022 Thanks! :100: Agree

I have a IB of 40/45, am I eligible for a direct admit?

I also have 7s in Economics and Business Management HLs.