Indiana University - Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Anybody attended Direct admit day-Kelley this past weekend? How was it?

Has anyone heard from Jacobs about scholarships/merit aid yet?

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Someone on reddit did for instrumental music. On the same reddit thread, someone contacted the school who said all emails will be sent out by next week. S23 is admitted to a different department. All my contacts admitted to his department are still waiting.

Thank you. We are still waiting

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Hello! Is it possible to change to ‘Test Optional’ after applying with Test Scores? If yes, would it help for someone with average test scores?

Answers to your two quetions:
(1) Yes. There is a form on the admissions website that you can use to change whether you are test optional.
(2) What do you mean by “average test scores”? The average test score nationally? Average score at IU? Average score at Kelley?
Based on your handle and cross-post on the Kelley petition page, I assume you are trying to get direct admit for Kelley. As a heads up, Kelley reported to Poets & Quants that the average SAT score for Kelley was 1450 and the average ACT was 32. I’ve never seen an average for Kelley anywhere else, but P&Q is pretty reputable.
Your application should highlight what is best about you 
 so if you have a great GPA, stellar activities, a great essay, but test scores that don’t fit with the rest of your awesome profile, in my opinion you are better not reporting the scores. Test scores should confirm the rest of your application.
(The big caveat here is to look at your high school. If you have a top test score for your high school–even if it is noticeably lower than the university/school average–go ahead and submit. AOs are looking for diamonds in the rough and that is what this situation shows–high achievement at an under-resourced school.)

Thanks. SAT super-score is around 1300. Did NOT apply Test-Optional. Already reported the scores in application(since I saw some ranking sites showing range of 1160-1380 
 didn’t know about Poets & Quants). Now, would it be OK to fill the form to request for “Test-Optional” ? Would that not hurt as they already have the scores?

So my understanding of how the AO review process works is that there is an electronic system on which they review applications. They are not getting a hard copy print out of your full application. There are tabs for grades/classes, activities, honors, etc. If you are applying with tests, there will be a tab for tests. If you are TO, there won’t even be a tab for “tests” on the electronic version. And without that tab, they can’t click to see your scores.

I don’t know 100% that is how Indiana does it. I think Slate is the platform company lots of colleges use. And that is how they are set up.

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Here is the criteria for Direct Admit to Kelley as an incoming freshman. Your SAT score does not qualify for a direct admit, so you will need to petition Kelley for admissions.

Thanks, I understand. Although it’s difficult to know all the info, it still helps to evaluate options.

Thank you! Already petitioned
 but debating on whether to change to “Test Optional” by filling out the form (since I now realize the test scores seem to be way below even for petition).

I would not worry about it. The fact is you fall into the petition category with or without scores. You now have to be evaluated for entrance. The available seats remain the same regardless if TO or not. The key is what is your GPA and EC’s at this point and when did you petition?

Last year Kelley was over inundated with petitioners and DA’s and they can only take so many for the available spots. Many later petitioners and DA’s got waitlisted until the number of accepted students declined their spots (closer to May 1 deadline).

Thanks! I petitioned about a week back.

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When you say DA, do you mean auto-admit? We’re there people who met auto-enroll stats that got waitlisted last year?
There used to be a sentence on the admissions page about taking most of the petitioners. But in the past few months they redid the web page, removing any reference to percentage of petitioners admitted and instead highlighting geographical diversity.
Our geographic area is over-represented at Kelley (Chicago suburb) and I heard the kids from our high school did not fare as well in the petition process last year as expected from prior years.

Yes DA is auto admit. Yes there were students who could have been direct admits waitlisted. They applied so late in the process that seats were full already.

I know kids that got off the waitlist for Kelley as late as April 27th last year. They were TO but extremely high stats with excellent EC’s. They were accepted at UMich, UC’s Boston College, UT Austin, and many other schools before they ever got off the waitlist for Kelley.

I think Kelley was caught off guard last year and has to pivot on how they do things. The numbers are not going to decrease and they need to figure out a different way to approach the admissions process for direct admit and petitioners. Even without petitioners, they cannot take everyone who meets their direct admit numbers. They simply do not have the seats available.

To be clear and fair - if you do not apply by November 1 you must submit a review request even if you meet auto-admit stats so no longer truly auto-admit after that date. This summer at YWI Kelley indicated a 25% review request admit percentage from last year which maybe includes post-Nov 1 auto-stat applicants or maybe not. But certainly they are trying to urge their higher stat kids to apply by Nov 1 to know how many spots to offer in review petition. And that is further amplified by moving away from rolling University admissions. Kelley batched results last year in certain time frames and they communicated they will do the same in 2024 but aligned with the University.


As for test scores I just think like a rational human and I would imagine it takes a few years for admissions to get away from an idea or bias that if you don’t submit your scores you maybe do not have good scores. I do not have any basis for that opinion other than it would be difficult for me not to think that way until I got used to the idea that some kids just don’t take the test at all. If I had scores in relative percentage range of admits I would probably submit them for our applicants, if well out of range then probably not. This is no advice just commentary, a 1300 is a good score. Nothing to sneeze at. Congratulations.

Ok that makes a lot of sense. And I’m sure Kelley wants to use the petition slots to fulfill institutional priorities. At one point (maybe still) there was a gender imbalance. And I was hearing anecdotally of young women getting in on petition, but not young men.
I have to imagine at some point Kelley will raise the gpa or test score requirement to reduce the number of auto-admits so it has even more room to pick exactly who it wants in its class.

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The gender imbalance is egregious. I think it’s like 65/35 male/female overall and if you get out of marketing focus - it’s awful. Especially in Finance. And with all that being said I believe IU is well aware and trying really hard to rectify that, but obviously it has work to do.