Indiana University or Franklin & Marshall College?

<p>I have two deposits down at these schools and don't know which to pick. I plan to dual major in business (marketing) and economics. At Indiana I was a direct admit into the Kelley Business school and got a Dean's Scholarship. IU is ranked as the #8 overall undergrad business school by Businessweek and #10 overall undergrad school by U.S. News, and my major is ranked #4 overall undergrad. However, F&M boasts strong programs yet doesn't appear on any of these rankings, probably because it doesn't have a "business school" and it is a liberal arts school. F&M is known as an extremely selective school and very rigorous but I don't know if it is well known in the business community. I got a hefty financial aid package though. Distance isn't a big factor and I'm contempt with each school's campus and what they offer. From a strict opportunity perspective, which school will offer me the best chance to succeed in business?</p>

<p>You are probably in “contempt” with the common application requirement about not double depositing, and F&M is probably CA, is it not? Not a good start in ethics. Maybe a Freudian slip in your terminology, though probably just a malapropism. </p>

<p>The schools are so different that, it’s hard to say. Look at the courses offered and see where you would be shorted in terms of offerings. I have no idea what business courses F&M has. You’ll have to look at their actual course offerings. </p>

<p>Can you give us (tuition+ R&B) - (grants+scholarships) = ?
What’s your parents’ budget?</p>

<p>Those schools look like apples and oranges to me. What geographic area of the country would you like to settle in? I think F&M’s strengths are its liberal arts focus and its strong network. It does not have a business school as you indicate, while IU has a relatively large one. Small school vs large school. I would try to map out which courses you would take at each school and compare. And how about comparing what EC things you would do at each school.</p>