<p>On average, how many hours do you industrial engineering majors study every day. Also, how many hours do you think you need to study if you want a 3.7+ GPA.</p>
<p>I don't understand why people think it's necessary to study every single day. I only study when I have a quiz, midterm, or final coming up. I'm not ISE, but I can tell you that most days I do absolutely no studying. There are definitely days where I'll be up way into the night studying, but I think that's expected when it comes to midterms and finals. There is also homework to be done, but once again, that's not due every day. Most of my classes have 1 assignment due each week.</p>
<p>You can't just put aside a certain amount of hours in a day for studying and suddenly expect to have 3.7+ GPA. It depends on the person since everyone learns differently.</p>
<p>It depends usually on the curves (ie how much does your fellow IE's study for A's) and how demanding your combination of professors is. This pretty much goes for all engineering majors.</p>
<p>It is not always about working a lot of hours -- it's also about working smart. Make sure the hours you put in get the appropriate results for your time and effort.</p>
<p>It really all depends on the course loads you're taking, how difficult the classes are, if you have lots of labs....... On average you're probably looking at 5 hours of studying after class monday-thursday and 5-8 hours on sunday. Like somebody else mentioned, however, you can't just expect to sit there for X amount of hours and expect to get A's. If you sit there chewing your fingernails and surfing the internet it's going to take more time; if you're really motivated on the topics you're studying it will take less time.</p>
<p>Id say putting in 4 hours a day sunday-thursday would be fine. Keep in mind its mostly not studying, but doing problem sets and projects</p>