Ineligibility for TAG


<p>I am a full time student in Rutgers University. I have completed the FAFSA before the march. On april 23 I received letter from HESAA requiring Student dependent verification form . But due to final exam I leave it for letter and didn't submit till 23 may. Received another letter requiring my and parent's TAX return. That I sent on may 28th. June 2 received one more letter saying "you are not eligible for 2012-13 Tution Aid Grant at rutgers university because you have not submitted document needed to verify the FAFSA".
I am not sure what to do next. Does it mean I will not get any Tuition Aid Grant.</p>

<p>You need to speak to someone in the financial aid office at Rutgers to find out what is missing. In the meantime, check your student link to see if anything else has been requested. When you are selected for verification it is VERY important to get the requested documents to the school immediately. It is very possible that the school wants tax transcripts, or the ability to use the FAFSA linkā€¦and they have neither option available to them.</p>