Influential Person as an answer to first common app question


I have an essay about a physics teacher of mine who did things in an unorthodox way, yet still inspired me. The idea is, he never meant to be a teacher and only became one because he lost his job. He, in my eyes, turned out being a brilliant teacher and his result makes me want to become an expert in a subject so that I can pass my knowledge on. I feel like the essay is really good the way it is, but I’m having trouble trying to fit it into one of the common app questions. The most viable would be number 1. Could this be spun as an interest or would admissions officers think that I just didn’t answer the question. I think they spend about three minutes per essay so I don’t know if this would be such a big deal if its a stretch.

TLDR: Can an essay about a change inspired by an unorthodox teacher be considered an “interest/background” for question one of the common app.

Thanks for any help.

I guess this is my question: is your essay about YOU or HIM?

It sounds like a wonderful tribute to a wonderful teacher, but that’s not what they’re looking for. They’re looking for a reason to say yes-- to YOU.