Initial Housing Fee of $450

I was accepted to CPP on 4/8 and have only received one email afterwards on 4/29 telling me I had to take the MDPT test. Somehow I found out that I had to apply for housing by May 1st, so when I did, I learned I had to pay $450? If I don’t pay this fee by today am I not eligible to enroll in classes? My parents won’t pay it because they think the whole thing is sketchy and I don’t have that money.

If you want on-campus housing then you need to submit your $450 fee. What exactly is sketchy about placing a deposit down to hold your housing? All schools require a housing deposit. If you change your mind, they will usually refund your deposit if you withdraw by a specific date.

How are you planning to go to the university if you can’t pay to live there? Are you commuting?

Remember, this is a California State University. You don’t get the luxury of advanced and slick brochures and time to reflect on your housing.

This is southern California and housing is very expensive. So if you can’t pay for your deposit for on campus housing, you’ll have to find housing on your own, which is not fun nor cheap.

Call housing to see where you are on there list. If you’re in the 320 range they will suggest you to not pay the deposit. I’m currently in the low 320 on there waiting list and they suggested for me to not pay yet since I may not get a dorm room. Other option for your would suggest is apply for the village.

i was curious where i was standing, so i call now im in the 225 range.