Injured Athlete/Dancer: Top-Heavy List, Need Matches / Safeties

<p>My daughter spent the last two summers at Dickenson…I don’t really think it meets the student’s parameters. It’s small, and Carlisle is pretty small.</p>

<p>What about Pitt as a safety?</p>

<p>I think USC is a safety for this student with or without legacy. If she applies before the USC scholarship deadline she is likely to be accepted in Jan/February with significant merit scholarship $$. </p>

<p>I don’t think she needs more safeties - but how about Tulane? I think Tulane has some kind of rolling early action; significant merit $$ is likely here as well.</p>

<p>Villanova is an intriguing one. Don’t flame me here - is Rochester known any place outside the east coast?</p>

<p>“I think USC is a safety for this student with or without legacy. If she applies before the USC scholarship deadline she is likely to be accepted in Jan/February with significant merit scholarship $$.”
As a parent of a USC Trustee scholar, I totally agree. She MUST get her completed application into USC by the Dec 1 deadline to really improve her chances. NOTE- This does NOT prevent her from applying SCEA to other colleges, as it is a requirement for scholarship consideration So Pizzagirl -make sure the parents understand this- even if they don’t need $$ to pay for college, applying early to USC for a top stats student greatly increases her chances.</p>

<p>Thanks, menloparkmom. The mother is the USC alum but is not a huge USC booster in general.</p>

<p>Well, USC has changed a LOT since her mom went there. It is no longer the “university of spoiled children”[ lol!]</p>

<p>No doubt! I have no dog in this fight! LOL.</p>