Input grade incorrectly on UC application

So, I noticed today that on my UC application, I’d accidentally listed my first semester of my 10th grade honors English class as an A instead of a B. I’ve been frantically emailing all of the colleges that I’ve applied to, and still haven’t heard back from any of them; I’m incredibly scared that my applications gonna be withdrawn now. I’ve looked into it and get the impression that UCs tend to understand that mistakes happen, and that I shouldn’t be too worried, but I still am because it’s the middle of March and it’s likely that UCs have already made their decisions or are in the final stages of it; is there anything else I can do, and is it likely that they’re still going to consider me for admissions, or withdraw my application altogether ?

All you can do at this point is email the campuses stating the mistake which will be placed in your file. Once you enroll at your choice campus, make sure admissions has this information so they will be aware when they receive your final transcript. It should not be an issue but the schools do need to know.

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Alright, thank you. Is there any precedent as to how UCs tend to react to this particular mistake ? (especially UC Irvine - that’s the one I’m really aiming for) I’ve heard of them being forgiving towards other mistakes, but not really anything quite in the same vein as mine, or quite as late.

UCI rescinded several applicants for grades lower than a C not mistakes for 1 A that really was a B.

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You should definitely contact them; it shouldn’t look at though you didn’t bother enough to rectify the issue once you noticed it. My counselor told me that the UC system is pretty strict with this kind of stuff since they rely solely on self-reporting for admissions purposes.

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I’ve emailed 3/4 of the campuses that I applied to, just a little nervous to get started on writing to Berkeley - still waiting for a response, though. Considering calling their offices once I get home. Thanks for the response !

Alright, thank you; in the midst of all this it’s been difficult to find information like this. I appreciate it.

Their offices are surprisingly responsive; that might be a good option, too!

For those curious or in case somebody’s having the same issue as me a year down the line or something, I reached out to the offices of UCI, UCB, and UCLA over the phone (Didn’t feel like being on hold with SD). The representative I spoke to at UCLA seemed very unsure and essentially told me she wouldn’t know, and to see what happens upon my admittance, given I was going to be admitted to begin with. UCB told me that it’s possible given that it was an honors english class that they’d rescind my admission (never had high hopes for Berkeley to begin with). UCI told me that it wasn’t really an issue over the phone, and that if I were going to be admitted anyways, it wouldn’t really be an issue and that I would just need to reach out to them about it. I’m incredibly relieved at how UCI seems to handle situations like this, a little nervous about UCLA, and a bit sad over Berkeley, but that’s life.

What’s the update on this situation? Did you get to keep your acceptances? I’m in a similar situation currently where I misreported an AP class that I took over the summer as an A when it was a B+. This was at UCLA. I filled out the contact form and called them. The person I talked to said it seemed like a minor issue but he could not be sure.