
<p>Does anyone else go insane while they wait for their ACT scores? I just took mine saturday, yet I am still losing sleep. </p>

<p>If anyone knows a doctor that is willing to put a person into a medically induced coma for about ten days, for a reasonable price, let me know. Thanks.</p>

<p>Haha… It was even worse for me because I took the January SAT and February ACT, so for about a week, I was waiting for both scores at the same time. SAT = :frowning: ACT = :)</p>

<p>Oh my god. I feel the same way. I am checking ACT website twice a day for no apparent reason, and I’m spending so much time on CC for no reason as well. Also I haven’t been doing homework, and still falling asleep late everyday.
Even though I’m nervous, I just want those scores back so badly so I can justify that I am done, and will never bother to take the SAT again.</p>

<p>I seriously check it all the time on my blackberry at school. For no reason. If I get a bad score, all of this pain will be in vain :(</p>

<p>Rofl, I already got my ACT score, but I check at least four times a day just to see if my essay score is up. I guess it’s probably a waste of time since they say that the essay scores will be updated weekly.</p>