Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

So sorry about the hospital conditions, @dietz199, but congrats to your daughter and whole family.


My mother has a potentially terminal situation that I am fighting hard to address amidst understaffing, and a system that is overwhelmed. Crucial blood tests were almost missed as were the crucial results, both of which I had to chase down. She needs a transfusion most likely but doubt we will get one. I meet with her MD today via Facetime.

There must be a lot of deaths happening indirectly from COVID’s effect on the health care system.


H tested positive this morning on a home test. He is actually feeling better today than he has the past couple of days.

I texted with two friends this morning that now have family members who are positive. So far D2, H, myself and everyone else we know that has tested positive over the past few weeks has recovered just fine without needing to see a doctor. My observation is that we are all fully vaccinated and had our boosters so even though we got Omicron the shots did their job.


In addition to the blessing and incredible joy of a new grand baby
we are also watching someone in the extended family network fight a horrible battle with cancer.

In short, 37 years old. Back ache for months that progressed to weakness in legs. Was told take pain med
your young it’s muscle issues. Then when the weakness occurred was told - MRI in 6 weeks. Via some connections - got the MRI 48 hours later. Stage 4 rare cancer. He has been declining and was not expected to survive the past few days. So, as a hospice/end of life patient he was able to have 2 visitors in the room at a time and these could be rotating people. And it was 24 hr access.

So, the good news
against the odds he seems to be improving (had 4 different infections and blood clots)
as a reward
if taken out of the hospice/end of life classification - he no longer gets visitors.

For the love of all that is holy
does anyone stop in the middle of their bureaucratic ecstasy and think
maybe all this love and support given by the people he loves is part of the reason he improved

Apparently not.


Has anyone had any experience with a Covid patient who ended up with a blood clot? My H had an uncomfortable and a little swollen calf and decided to go to the doc today and enda up he has some clotting. They sent him home with blood thinners. I found a few stories online about Covid and deep vein thrombosis. Just wondering if anyone here knows anything about the correlation. He just had Covid last week. Tested negative on day eleven which was just yesterday.

IIRC, there was discussion earlier on that blood thinners provided some protection in cases of sever COVID. It would make sense since we’ve now figured out it is more a vascular issue than a respiratory one.

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There seems to be a correlation between COVID and the development of anti-phospholipid antibodies which can lead to thrombosis. It seems to be transitory however. Blood thinners is the way to go and hopefully your husband’s doctor will follow up after a while. My dad had some similar issues. He has to have blood drawn every month I think. He is much much older than your husband I’m sure, so a different situation.

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My daughter went to do an antigen test (Binaz) and it is missing the two droppers. The taped seal was gone too. She had it in her suitcase when she flew back on 12/31 so we are wondering if TSA took them out!

There seem to be some quality control issues with Binax. My daughter’s fiancee gets tested weekly at work and some boxes have 3 swabs, some have one, the little round seals are often loose and sometimes missing, etc. I seriously doubt TSA would have taken the droppers.

Gosh I spent $25 on that kit! She got a PCR for tomorrow so that’s good.

I thought in 2020 blood clots was a known association with covid? My coworker knows two people who got them in 2020 not long after covid. And, when my coworker had it himself in the fall of 2020, his doctor had him take baby aspirin from the onset of covid. I think he took them for about a month? He has tons of risk factors. Not age, but morbidly obese, high BP and cholesterol and type II diabetes.

In any case, I’m sorry your H is suffering but aware enough to realize what was going on.


A doc I work with says Omicron seems to be even more pathogenic to endothelial cells and pro coagulopathy than prior versions. So he orders Eliquis 5mg daily for 30 days for all his patients that are positive


Wow! I don’t think being on Eliquis is a whole bowel of fun and one needs to be careful not to get knocked around while on blood thinners but it’s better than the alternative.

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And I have 30 tabs of 5mg Eliquis just in case.

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My husband and I both had an aunt have a major stroke a week after being diagnosed with Covid back in Nov/Dec 2020. I figured it was the known clotting issue.

Are you referring to unwanted intestinal effects?

There are a lot of clots post Covid. It’s one of the major killers when people think they are all finished with it, esp if they happen in the heart or brain. My guy’s GF who takes care of post Covid patients before they get released to go home has several stories, but they can also occur in people who were never hospitalized. He said long ago that they (unofficially) considered Covid to be a blood clotting problem that also affected the lungs.

Here’s what Mayo has to say about it:

Blood clots and blood vessel problems

COVID-19 can make blood cells more likely to clump up and form clots. While large clots can cause heart attacks and strokes, much of the heart damage caused by COVID-19 is believed to stem from very small clots that block tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the heart muscle.

Other parts of the body affected by blood clots include the lungs, legs, liver and kidneys. COVID-19 can also weaken blood vessels and cause them to leak, which contributes to potentially long-lasting problems with the liver and kidneys.

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That’s great news. And, at the rate Omicron is spreading almost everyone will have some level of immunity in the next month or so.

Interesting. And I guess this isn’t limited to Delta since I’m sure my H had omicron.

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