<p>It's a good year to be in the Early Decision pool! Vanderbilt</a> admissions directly affected by recession | InsideVandy</p>
<p>Thanks for the link. It sounds like next year will be similar.</p>
<p>YES! Each day my hopes go up!</p>
<p>I know I say this all the time but…</p>
<p>DAMN IT!</p>
<p>The top 10% amount went up a lot. Oy vey.</p>
<p>Though, in the article, it states that the Dean is unsure of the yield. It also states that people are applying to more colleges in order to compare aid, to get the best bargain possible.</p>
<p>So, I would logically think that the Vanderbilt admissions rate would actually go UP because the more colleges these admitted-Vandy-students are applying to, the bigger chance that they will also be admitted to a different college with a better financial package and therefore will choose to not matriculate to Vanderbilt.</p>
<p>Thus, they would admit more students to make up for a lowered matriculation.</p>
<p>Anyone see my point? Or disagree with it entirely?</p>
<p>My logic may be wrong, but it makes sense to me.</p>
<p>except that they filled more seats in the early decision rounds, so RD rate may be lower.</p>
<p>it said they admitted about 100 more student ED1 this year than last year. Last year they admitted about 430. And it says they will admit around 40% ED in ED rounds total. SO if you do the math that means only around 100 people can get in ED2 : (</p>
<p>I’ve heard EDII is only slightly less competitive than RD.</p>
<p>Yeah, I think EDII will be tough this year. My S has a few friends applying EDII and I’m pulling for them! I’m so thankful my S applied ED1 --and to think we tried to talk him out of it.</p>
<p>ED II is a smaller pool. Last year according to the Common Data Set info, 531 were admitted through both ED rounds.
[CDS</a> C](<a href=“http://virg.vanderbilt.edu/virgweb/CDSC.aspx?year=2008]CDS”>http://virg.vanderbilt.edu/virgweb/CDSC.aspx?year=2008)
If they are shooting for 40% of the class being admitted through ED rounds, that should mean a total of about 600 acceptances. Typically the number accepted in the ED rounds is in the low 500s. I interpreted the 100 additional acceptances to be for the entire ED pool, bringing the total to around 600. Maybe I’m reading it incorrectly though.</p>
<p>But the question is, will overall admits increase or decrease?</p>
<p>I’m hoping and reasoning that the admits will increase, not by a lot though.</p>
<p>it says they “admitted 100 more students during early decision this year” so i’m pretty sure it means they did ED1. I hope not that many people applied EDII.</p>
<p>I would assume not as many as last years… since everyone would apply EDI instead of EDII, to be on the safe side.</p>
<p>I don’t think acceptance rate would go UP…</p>
<p>I think they might wait list more ppl than ever…</p>
<p>… or that. :(</p>
<p>God, all I care is that I get accepted.
I’m just waiting for the acceptance letter next month.</p>
<p>Does this mean that they are going to look at financial aid (family contribution especially) more in depth this year? Vandy is need-aware, right?</p>
<p>That’s what I’m afraid of. Vandy SAYS it’s need-blind.</p>
<p>But that could change this year. =[</p>
<p>I’m sure they will remain need-blind, just as they are sticking with the promise not to include loans in financial aid packages. Both were parts of the new financial aid initiative, even though they were already need-blind.</p>
<p>So maybe that might explain the increase in EDers.</p>
<p>Maybe those 100 extra EDers they admitted were people with a high EFC, meaning that Vandy would only give them a tiny bit of aid, which helps their budget and means they have to worry less about admitting poor people in RD.</p>