Insight Question: Talking about complicated topics

The question in question: Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

My answer: Topology (a upper division Maths topic)

I am applying as a Pure Mathematics Major. I love Maths and specifically Topology. But it’s such a complicated topic to explain the reason I love it. It would be easy to explain why I love it if I could use the terms “Möbius strip”, “Klein bottle”, and “Trefoil knot” without having to explain it. Otherwise I’ll end up using my 350 words on just the explanation which I know isn’t good. But I also don’t want to write about something that the admissions officer will be like: ???

I could write about Maths in general but I know it wouldn’t have the same feeling as talking about Topology. I don’t know.

Secondary short question: should I use Maths or Math. In the US I know “Math” is more used and I don’t want to use “Maths” (which is technically the correct version) but have it seen as a spelling mistake or should i just play safe and always spell out “Mathematics”?

Thanks for the advice!!

“I find the study of topology is one that demonstrates my passion for math and problem solving.

This is the “study of geometric properties and spatial relations unaffected by the continuous change of shape or size of figures. It helps explain the way in which constituent parts are interrelated or arranged.”

My interest is really around the way things fit and work together. Using pure mathematics to help understand a design and complex networks.

As an example, I worked on a project within a team that worked on the mathematics involved to determine how to sustain life in the space shuttle.

Realizing this passion is only the beginning of my journey. My hope is to leverage the resources and other students at Cal to make my dream come true. To work on a team of mathematicians at NASA.

And so on sort of thing. “

Just my two cents.

Ok, I understand. I was hoping to bring in specifics that initially got me interested but this makes way more sense for explaining in a general sense. Thank you!

You can explain it your way. I was only showing you how to fit in a definition without taking to much time.

Do it your way!!!

Nice thread, @VeronikaZMV and @privatebanker . . .

My only thing, actually a couple, is, this is the University of California common application. If one is applying solely to Cal, then one would could (I guess) feel okay to use this name in an essay question, but it is also mainly a sports appellation.

If you’re applying to more than just Cal, then I would certainly say the University of California instead. This would also help make the other universities to which you applied to feel included instead of their possibly having feelings of being secondary or tertiary choices straight away.

As to your usage of “maths” absolutely feel free to use it. Same with your using technical words related to shapes, that possibly only a mathematician would use. I’m thinking that the initial reader at the specific university would probably bring in someone from the mathematics department to relate to your topographic references.

@firmament2x Excellent points.

I guess that last sentence should reference topological not topographic, although I’m guessing there must be some connection. :smile: