<p>Does it exist?</p>
<p>My sister is a senior at BU and she is graduating with a double major- a BS in Comm and a BFA in Fine Arts, as she is interested in advertising. She loves the school, the city of Boston, her semester abroad in Venice was amazing, and she is soooo sad about graduating. Yes, BU is intellectual and fun at the same time… she says the best days of her life so far. So enjoy! Make the most of your time there as it goes fast.</p>
<p>I’m going to attempt to be brutally honest here, Intellectualism is more non-existent than the football program.</p>
<p>One of the things I was most looking forward to about coming to college was growing intellectually and interacting with others who had similar interests. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the students I know here are some of the dumbest people I have ever met. I’m a bio major, and a large percentage of the people in my classes are pre-meds (students who supposedly are gunning and going all out to achieve high grades), however the average grade on tests in my science classes are ~50%. Over and over again my mind is blown by the stupidity shown by my supposedly intelligent classmates.</p>
<p>I was also a member of the honors college here, and I have to say, it was one of the most disappointing experiences of my life. The “honors section” of classes consisted of a single 1 hour discussion section with a professor once a week. There we would discuss the in class readings and relevant information, however the conversations were always inadvertently dominated by one or two students who would spend valuable time trying to make some profound point, which always just ended up being a rehashing of the readings or previously covered material. </p>
<p>The majority of CGS students are also an embarrassment to the school who whine about the amount of work they have. Work which most students would be able to finish relatively quickly takes them hours</p>
<p>Here’s a fun anecdote, last week I was in the library finishing up a lab, when I spotted a friend of mine who happens to be in CGS. I went over and he told me he was working on his CGS capstone project. The CGS capstone, for those who don’t know, is a 40-50 page paper written by CGS students at the end of their time in the program. Now while this may sound daunting, the work is mitigated by the fact that this work is split up amongst a group of roughly ~5, and CGS class ends a month (yes a month) before all other classes do. Anyways, the point of the story is that my friend, indeed his entire group were all high as **** working on this project.</p>
<p>I could go on and on with the complaints, but its just too annoying and disappointing to think about. Also sorry if I’ve come off like a pompous ass, but I’m really just sick of this school.</p>
<p>(Also not all CGS or students in general here are dumb, but in my experience the vast majority are)</p>
<p>I’ve never been at a really big school that is highly intellectual. It wasn’t true of Michigan and it isn’t true of BU. I could name a few others that I’ve spent time at. </p>
<p>There are intellectual people and the classes are often highly intellectual but BU is the size of a town and that means it can’t be all intellectual. Just doesn’t work that way. If that’s you, then you can certainly find people like you at BU. Just don’t expect a big school to be that way.</p>
<p>I struggled with the feeling you’re experiencing, Terriers18. I ended up finding a highly specialized niche and socializing primarily with my colleagues from my program; that was ultimately what brought happiness. A generalized intellectual environment is not among the (many) things BU has to offer. That doesn’t mean you can’t find what you’re looking for there, but it is a matter of seeking it out.</p>
<p>Don’t get me wrong here, I’m very happy socially, just not intellectually. Just have to wait till grad school I guess…</p>
<p>To the OP all I can say is this, if your looking for intellectualism talk to the professors (they’re unbelievable) or try and get into the new honors college (it’s supposed to be totally different from the one I was in), just don’t expect to find it in the majority of your classmates.</p>
<p>terriers, you’re making me sad over here :/</p>
<p>what is the new honors college like? do you only need a certain GPA to make it in after freshman year?</p>
<p>I wouldn’t take terriers word 100%. I have quiet the opposite feeling. Never before have I seen such a diverse background of intelligent people especially on my own floor all with different learning styles. Yes, I admit there are a fair share of lazy people - but that is far from saying there is not intelligence in this school. Its the same for every college.</p>
<p>You need to get yourself out there, explore the campus, and find your own friends. It might be hard and you might not find your best friend by even first semester, but I assure you, there is plenty of intelligence on campus!</p>