Interested in NYU journalism grad school

<p>I have a cumulative 3.59 GPA and have served as editor in chief and sports editor at my college paper. My lack of professional experience could be my downfall, so I will have to rely on strong recs and statements to pick up the slack. About what score will I have to nail on the GRE to have a strong chance of getting in, considering the factors listed? Does anyone have an idea of how tough admissions are compared to say, Berkeley or USC? (The other two schools I'm applying to, with CUNY J-school being my safety school)</p>

<p>Also, I know that the price is quite steep so how do I position myself to get sufficient grants/scholarships/aid/etc. should I decide to go? Housing should already be taken care of since I plan to stay with relatives in CT and hitch a train/subway into the city for school.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t count on CUNY to be your safety… It’s just as good of a program as the others. I know several folks who were accepted to Columbia, NYU, etc., but rejected from CUNY.</p>

<p>Arthur L. Clark School of Journalism. ■■■■, that’s like my dream! But let me clear college first =P Good luck getting in!</p>

<p>I just got accepted to NYU for magazine journalism - when I talked to the program director, she seemed to be most impressed by my work experience - I’m doing my 7th journalism internship right now, and three were at national mags. I would say that you should try to get some work experience in before submitting your app. My GPA was just under what yours is, and my GRE scores weren’t amazing (my verbal score was in the 85%, math was a bit lower.)</p>