Interested in U-Mich Stamps School of Art and Design but confused about its curriculum?

Hi, I’m a high schooler applying to colleges and I took particular interest in the University of Michigan because of the school community and spirit. As an art student, I looked into the Stamps School of Art and Design and found it really interesting that rather than choosing a major, I choose a degree (BA, BFA, Interarts Performance, Dual Degree). This curriculum is unique and interesting however, I’m a bit confused in some areas such as what the required Elective Academic Courses are in a BA and what the studio time to academic ratio is. I also heard that there it is an interdisciplinary curriculum and I’m not sure what that means. All of this information could be in the U-Mich website, but I have a bit of trouble working my way through it and I’m not really sure how to navigate the Wolverine Access. I was hoping if anyone could give me a quick rundown of the curriculum and if Stamps is worth applying to for art?

You need to email or call the program. It’s a very competitive but highly ranked program. If your not getting enough information from the website they will explain your options to you when you call. Ask yourself what your trying to get out of the program and see if it fits.

They also do informal portfolio reviews and it’s ending soon so if you have one I would try to take advantage of it.

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