Interesting or overused topic?

<p>Hey guys! I am trying to choose which essay topic to write about on the Common App. I am likely going to write about a significant experience (#1). For this topic, I would write about the spinal fusion I underwent to resolve my severe case of spondylolisthesis. I would be able to put a lot of heart into this essay, but I feel that writing about overcoming an injury would not be a unique topic. I think this topic may be too common and boring to the readers who have to go through thousands of essays. Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>As long as you can make it a unique essay, don’t worry about the topic. Just don’t use cliches. If you can put your heart into it, then go for it! Make sure you get someone to look at it for you, just so that you can make sure it doesn’t seem like the typical injury essay. :)</p>