If I was wondering if i attend COLA undecided this upcoming fall and have intentions to internally transfer to Mccombs, can i take Business calc. 1 and 2 at ACC WHILE attending UT? This summer i’m taking micro eco. at ACC and so i’ll have macro eco. and calc 1 and calc 2 to take in order to be considered. Please help! Thanks
Yeah, but you can only use financial aid at one school, so expect to pay for your ACC class out of pocket.
You have to take differential calculus and integral calculus. McCombs does not count business calc as calculus credit.
@bizkid123 you sure? Look at the degree plan of the ACC to UT austin Mccombs transfer, they accept bus. calc 1 and 2 it looks like
@jimbob22 Bus Calc is not accepted. You need Differential and Integral.