<p>Can we post stuff about ib (tests) on here?</p>
<p>Usually you have to wait 24 hours after each particular exam, because of the time zone difference (so people can't cheat... why help them mess up your curve?). So if you write Bio on Thursday from 9 to 11AM, wait until Friday at 11 to talk about it. But yes, talk about IB exams.
Which ones are you writing?
I'm only a junior, but I wrote Math Methods and I am writing Bio SL this year.
Good luck on your tests :)</p>
<p>this year, I did math methods SL and english HL so far...</p>
<p>i took music SL last year and i have french SL next week</p>
<p>tommorow/wed i have history of the americas HL and then biology HL on wed/thurs</p>
<p>Wednesday is going to be killer--History for 2.5 hours and then Biology for 3.5 hours...sucks :(</p>
<p>cowgirl, you actually dont, IB divides the world into 2 timezones so leekage over internet wouldnt happen ( think they started last year). this is confirmed when my teacher gave us both versions from last year for practice =p so tecnically you only need to wait for max of 10 hrs after your exams to start blabbering =p</p>
<p>I'm taking Econ SL this year -sigh- one week to teach a year of econ to myself (our techer is horrible...don't even get me started)</p>
<p>Come join our IB thread! We already have one started. We need more IB'ers...</p>