International! - Divorced parents have to file the same thing twice for Harvard???

<p>I have to send in the Harvard Financial Statement for Students from Foreign Countries by Feb 1.</p>

<p>I have some problems.</p>

<p>"24. If your parents are separated or divorced, a separate Financial Statement and the most recent tax form must be submitted by your non-custodial parent. You may use a photocopy of this form."</p>

<p>Why is this so? I mean, the same information will be on both statements. What could possibly be different on each of my parents statements if they both list the smae things - mothers and fathers income and expenses.</p>

<p>And if it's meant solely for the whole "noncustodial parent must sign it so that we know the info is true", can't they just both sign the one form? They're both in my city.</p>

<p>Please help! There isn't much time! :D :D</p>


<p>In the US divorced parents have separate financial statements and file separate tax returns. Harvard expects both parents to participate in your college education.</p>

<p>If only one tax return is filed and signed by both parents and assets are still joint, I would expect that Harvard would accept one tax return and one financial statement signed by both parents. I would attach a letter explaining that situation. In any event, a financial aid counselor indicated you should have a letter attached describing “Special Circumstances” – everyone has some special circumstances.</p>

<p>If possible, you should confirm the above with the Financial Aid Office at 617-495-1581.</p>

<p>yeah, but I was thinking of filing mom’s tax form and dad’s tax form, but one statement signed by both.</p>

<p>The financial statement also includes information about their assets, which might not be shared now that they are divorced. Assets include properties that they own, bank accounts, stock and other investments, etc.</p>