<p>Hey international friends
I have just received my FA package. My parents are asked to contribute 20k while our family income is roughly 44k per year. How about yours? Can you share with me some info so that we can have an overview of Williams FAs for Int'ls this year
Thx and all the best guyz</p>
<p>There must be more to your family’s financial picture than just their income. Some significant assets and/or investments? If not, then there has likely been a mistake, and you should contact the FA office. </p>
<p>While Williams is no longer need-blind in terms of admissions factors for international students, I’m pretty sure that they still meet full need of those whom they do admit. Of course, as with domestic students, they use their definition of what you “need.”</p>
<p>My EFC is just marginally higher(2K) than what I’d predicted in the documents.
I’m guessing that they are full-need.</p>
<p>Hey dancer^^ nice to meet you! Will you be attending Williams this fall? I have sent an email to ask the FA Officers. Hopefully they will look into it Which country are you from?</p>
<p>Nice to meet you too.
I’m going for the Previews when I’l finally decide. But, I really want to attend Williams. Are you coming?
Good, they should probably get back to you soon.
I’m from India, you?</p>
<p>Hey dancer ** m from Vietnam but have been living in Singapore for 4 years I also have a lot of friends in India:D Have you heard of the ASEAN scholars (or sth related to scholarship in Singapore)
and I also know quite a lot of Indians when I attended the GYLC ** they are all very active and nice ppl :D</p>
<p>Oh yeah, lots of people attend the GYLC!
So, are you enrolling at Williams for sure?</p>
<p>Yea definitely! I have just received a positive response from the FA Office to reduce my parent contribution ^^
W is my top choice anyway ^^ I have been reading and am really excited about the much boasted Oxford-style tutorials and W’s Oxford Exchange Prog
Have you made your decision?</p>
<p>Omg I just realized that we’re facebook friends