International IB student chances :0

Ethnicity: Arab
Nationality: UAE
IB scores:
Physics HL: 4
Psychology HL: 5
English Language and Literature HL: 5
Math SL: 5
Spanish Ab Initio: 5
Economics SL: 5
Bonus: 1
[context: switched to from local to international school before junior year]
Extracurriculars: /Varsity Wrestling - Junior-Senior Year/ Co-organizer of Programming Club - Freshman-Sophomore Year/ Organizer of Debate Club - Junior Year/ TEDxGAA Marketer - Junior Year/ School Online Newspaper Co-organizer - Senior Year/
Toefl IBT: 92
SAT: Not Submitted
Intended Major: International Relations
Regular Decision
Acceptances so far: CU-Boulder, Uni of Delaware