International Presidential Scholarship Chances?

This is from my “What are my Chances?” thread:

SAT: 1520 (760 W/R, 760 M)

  • GPA: 94 (school only does numbers)
  • Relevant Coursework: AP US History (5), AP Lang (5), AP Computer Science (5), AP Chem (4), (Senior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Biology, plan on self studying for AP physics but have been highly discouraged so probably not.)
  • Awards: High Honors, AP Scholar w/ Distinction, #1 in statewide Comp Sci Competition


  • Founded NJ Chapter of nonprofit organization to promote STEM globally (especially in underdeveloped countries) , hired a Board team and worked with donators and corporate sponsors to set up multiple successful charity events, raising over thousands of dollars, building several schools for locations in extreme poverty.
  • President of National Honor Society at my school, again used charity contacts to provide large amounts of volunteer hours.
  • Founded Engineering club for Minorities, which led to represent our school at several competitions throughout the year.
  • Founder of Model UN, debating global issues in conferences at local universities.
  • Board Member of Med Club (work on volunteering and promoting awareness of medical fields and pathways)
  • Selected as an ASPIRE mentor for my school, which are a group of highly qualified seniors who guide and help freshman ease the transition Into high school while also keeping track of several issues such as mental health awareness.
  • Board Member of Computer Science Club (worked on developing facial recognition for school attendance)
  • Science Olympiad Team Leader (went to regionals, nothing really special)
  • other small stuff not important

I am an international student desperately seeking any large merit scholarships that I can get (I have worked really hard throughout high school). Do I have the stats to be qualified for a Presidential Scholarship? Thank you to all advice.

Your stats are excellent, but unfortunately I have no idea what kind of chance you stand for merit scholarships. The only thing you can do is apply and see what you’re awarded. Sorry, I’m sure you were hoping for more.

@NHuffer No thats fine. Thank you so much for the advice and I will be applying soon!