International Relations/Studies

<p>Hi I'm an International student looking to study in the US and probably Internation Relations/Studies or Psychology or some other social science. I recently got to know about Whitman and like what I've heard of it so far. Unfortunately I realised that they don't have a major on International Relations per se. Is there any way around this? Like taking Economics and Political Science? Or should I forget about Whitman altogether? Advice appreciated, thank you.</p>

<p>You could definitely combine econ and poli sci (and psychology). There is also an option of an individually designed major. You might go to the Whitman website and do a search for “international relations” and see what comes up. They have a Combined program with the Monterey Institute of International studies (look under combined programs in the majors section) and do well at sending students on Fullbrights too so you could definitely make it work. Study abroad options would give you a way to look at this also. Ryan Crocker, the US ambassador in Iraq is a Whittie…</p>

<p>Hey thanks for your reply. I searched international relations on the Whitman site but nothing much came up. Will the individualized major thing work to end up with an IR-like major?</p>

<p>The combined program information was definitely helpful though. Seems like I can make this IR/IS thing work.</p>

<p>If you go to the Admissions department “Ask a Student” page you can email an student admissions rep who is from Latvia. I’m sure he can answer many of your questions better than I could…good luck</p>

<p>Whitman has an “combined program” with Montery Institute of International Studies (3yrs at Whitman, 2 yrs at MIIS) where, I believe, one emerges with a Masters degree in IR.</p>

<p>[Combined</a> Programs](<a href=“]Combined”></p>

<p>Hey thanks for the replies. Okay so anyway I thought the combined program was just a Bachelor’s because it doesn’t say Masters on the site. Kind of interesting. Although I have to say I’ve never heard of the Montery Institute of International Studies - anybody can tell me more about it?</p>

<p>And I realise Whitman doesn’t have “Political Science” as a major, just “Politics”. Is it the same thing?</p>

<p>The Monterey Institute program - per my S who is currently at Whitman - is not very well supported. He went there with that program in mind, but discovered that very few students have done it. That said, he also discovered that part of the reason is that most students like Whitman so much after they arrive, that they want to stay there, rather than transfer their last year to a combined program school ( he fits that description, too). The Politics program is VERY stron - check out Prof. Biswas - Econ also. The advice to chat with some other international students already there is good. Good luck!</p>

<p>Here’s MIIS’s web site:</p>

<p>[Monterey</a> Institute of International Studies](<a href=“Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey”></p>

<p>Hey thanks. Can anybody tell me more about MIIS? Honestly, I’ve never heard of them. Are the programs strong?</p>