International Student Acceptance Rate

Hi, I was wondering if there was any way to find out the international student acceptance rate for these schools:
UNC Chapel Hill
Emory University
University of Georgia
U.T. Austin
Carnegie Mellon University
Duke University
University of Michigan
Baylor University
Boston University
Washington University at St. Louis
Georgia Tech

Thanks in advance!

Few universities will actually post international admit rates. MIT is one of the few that does, and it is roughly 3 times lower than the admit rate for US citizens (3% vs 9%). Most globally recognized universities with strong business and engineering programs are going to attract a disproportionately large international student applicant pool. While Michigan does not publish international admit rates, I know that it currently stands at 10%-13% (compared to the 25% admit rate for US citizens). Engineering and Business will have sub 10% admit rates for international students.

But international admit rates aren’t telling. It really depends which country you come from specifically. Applicants from Large Asian countries (like China, India, South Korea etc…) will face far more competition from students applying from their own country, and therefore much lower admit rates than applicants from smaller countries with far fewer competition. If you are a qualified applicant from Belize, or Mali or Estonia or Turkmenistan, your chances of admission are actually quite good.

If you’re from China, India, etc, your odds are about 1/3 official rate. If you’re from Turkmenistan or Belize, they may rise to 1/2 to 2/3 of the official admission rate, but remember that there is ZERO obligation for a college to take anyone from a particular country, so that many years no one from Mali or Estonia or Turkmenistan is admitted.