International student .Are all my dreams end?

<p>hey guys. Im an international student , currently doing Electrical/Computer engineering I have two more years until my graduation. This quarter I failed to two classe s with D and It really stressed me out because my GPA is really below 2.5 right now. I know I will try my best to bull it up to at least 2.7 . My target is 3.2 on my graduation but will I be able to get a job with such low GPA with some classes below a C (I will have to retake it anyway) . I want to stay in the US after my graduation.I also want to go grad school if I have a chance. Are all my dream end right now?At my school, only about 50 to 80 students graduate each year in EE and CPE major.Average GPA for engineerng at my school is about 2.7</p>

<p>Dude, I am sorry to tell you but you might end up getting very harsh feedback.</p>

<p>Honestly, You really need to increase your GPA and do it now. With such low grades, you almost jeopardized your chances of getting into a “good grad school”.Also, are you involved in any sort of research project? If not, then I would strongly recommend it. Good luck anyway!</p>

<p>Trying your best to get at least 3.0.</p>